2D-style “Clapperboard”, 3 days of PA, 3 premium tanks and other goodies

Hurry up to get more great rewards for the World of Tanks Decade in August with the live broadcast.

Greetings, tankers! Albeit with a delay (however, like half of the events this month), the monthly tank set – “Ten” was updated. As the name suggests, it is dedicated to the anniversary of the game.

A unique festive style was prepared especially for its release “Clapperboard”clapperboard style wot

It can be applied to any vehicle, can be rearranged for free and gives a bonus to disguise. In addition, it is worth noting that outwardly it looks very cool:

Deserve special attention “Supplies from the rear” with increased rewards and excellent vehicles.Rear Supplies Set of Ten

IS-2M – Soviet heavy, which is part of the “Berlin Five” set. It has unique historical marks, and in terms of performance characteristics it slightly surpasses the IS-2 Shielded in all respects. So if you didn’t get it in the unique event in May, you can play now.

The next unconditional imba tank at its level is the French LT AMX 13 57… In addition to good stealth and good visibility, this tank has a loading drum for 8 shells with a CD between shots of 1 second. That is, he can shoot the enemy like a machine gun, and the potential damage is 720 units.

At tier 8, there are two premium medium tanks at once:

  • Lansen C is loved by many for its combination of mobility and firepower. Large one-time damage allows you to trade HP and farm well. At the same time, he feels fine at medium distance due to good camouflage.
  • Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC is an improved analogue of FV 4002, which can be obtained free of charge for the referral program. This Briton has high armor penetration and excellent final accuracy, which makes it an ideal farming technique, as it is undemanding to gold shells. At the same time, he has a strong tower, good mobility and a high viewing radius.

Any of these tanks can be rented for 10 days, and the King Tiger (captured) is given for one month. Also, they give a discount on their ransom:premium storeThe cherry on top of the cake are the final buns that everyone will receive at once:

  • 3 days of premium account;
  • 20 combat missions for x5 experience at once and you can still take 15 combat missions + reserves (many have) + x3 with prema = 10,000 -15,000 combat experience per battle, which allows you to pump any technique very quickly;
  • universal allowance for 250,000 experience points – you can immediately pump the crew of 1.5 skill levels. Exactly in silver costs 2,000,000
  • Combat missions of the set, which will allow you to upgrade your crew, get reserves, consumables and more combat missions for x5 experience.

All gifts of the setTen:20 set Twitch Prime

Algorithm for receiving rewards after payment:

  1. Account details for Twitch are sent to the mail. You need to login.login and password
  2. We link the received account in your personal account.
  3. We go into the game and pick up gifts.

More detailed instructions if you have any questions.

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