Cheats for Among Us (Among As) on PC and phone free download

How to win in Among Us easily? For this, cheat codes have been created! It is true that using them is not so easy, but we will help you with this!

Among Us

Among Us is a multiplayer game released simultaneously on Windows and mobile phones. The simplicity, unusual cooperation between players and an exciting space theme quickly made this project incredibly popular.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the complete guide to the game: useful tips and life hacks on how to identify an impostor or not get burned.

Since Among Us is a multiplayer PC game, there are no cheat codes. Cheating is prohibited because it will harm other players’ fun. The developers of the game ban those who try to bypass the security system. However, there is still a way to use codes.

Cheats for Among As are provided for informational purposes only. The site administration is not responsible for the consequences of their installation and use.

Before starting cheats we advise you to read with the best room (lobby) settings in Among Us.

How to set up cheats for Among Us for PC?

Among Us

Using cheats for Among Us on a computer is much easier than on a phone. For the codes to work, you need to download a special program. It works with both the hacked version of the game and the official one from Steam.

To start cheating on a PC, you need:

  1. Download cracker.
  2. Install the exe file on the computer.
  3. Launch the application.
  4. Enable the game in windowed mode.
  5. Arrange the application window and the game window so that they do not cover each other.

Now, right in the course of the game, you can activate any cheats, eg ignore walls. To do this, just activate the button opposite the desired code.

Download cheat for Among As on PC [12.9s]

DOWNLOAD Modsfire (password 777)

DOWNLOAD from Cloud (password 777)

DOWNLOAD from Google Drive (password 777)

PS: Antivirusnik sometimes swears that there is a virus because of the KMS file. It is necessary to bypass the protection of the game (just like with hacking games to play without buying).

How to set up Among Us cheats for your phone?

Among Us

To use codes in Among Us on your phone, you need to download a special jailbroken file. Such a cheat on your phone will allow you to be a traitor whenever you want, use any skins and finish the game whenever you want.

To start cheating on your phone, you need:

  1. Download cracker.
  2. Install apk file on your phone.
  3. Launch the application.
  4. Click on the “Go to the cheat menu” button.
  5. Open Among Us.
  6. Without closing the game, go to the application with the codes.

Download cheat Among Us for phone 11.17a

There are two versions of the cheat:

  • CheatBig – more functions, but a higher chance of getting banned.
  • CheatMini – a slightly stripped-down version, without the most “pale” chips, you can use it more safely without fear of getting banned.

CheatBig.apk with Modsfire – DOWNLOAD

CheatBig.apk from Cloud – DOWNLOAD

CheatBig.apk from Google Drive – DOWNLOAD

CheatMini.apk with Modsfire – DOWNLOAD

CheatMini.apk from Cloud – DOWNLOAD

CheatMini.apk from Google Drive – DOWNLOAD

More mods in a regularly updated collection of the best cheats for Among Us

Now you can freely use any cheats! The game will become much more interesting with them. In addition to the effects described above, you can also increase your speed, increase the distance of sight, and much more.

Above is a clickable link for details on the consequences of using cheats.

Despite the fact that there are special programs for hacking Among Us, we do not recommend that you use them. Cheating in a single-player game is allowed, because a person plays with himself and can independently customize the world around him for personal needs. But cheats in a multiplayer game spoil the fun of other people.

Among Us hack for skins

Among Us

One of the most popular cheating methods in the game is skin hacking. Players want to look original and differ from each other not only in color. There is nothing wrong with that, although the developers do not like any fact of cheating, including hacking for skins.

However, it is almost impossible to notice that the player is using codes or programs in order to improve the appearance of the character. No one will complain about this, which means developers will not be able to punish anyone.

We give you the opportunity to download a special hacker for phones, where there are no cheats, there are only skins from a resource convenient for you.

Useful guides and life hacks for Among Us

In this section, we have collected guides for you to help you win (even the presence of cheats does not guarantee 100% victory). Therefore, we recommend not to be lazy and familiarize yourself with useful information:

You can always find more interesting information in our section Among Us.

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