Does fast charging harm a smartphone battery?

The fast charging function is provided on many of the latest smartphones. This opportunity allows you to replenish the energy supply urgently. If you use it all the time, then there is a great risk of ruining the battery, as some believe. Others argue that this fear is unfounded.

Overheating of the smartphone

Fast charging doesn’t harm your phone, but it’s important to use this QuickCharge feature correctly. It allows you to recharge the device up to 50% in 1-1.5 hours, while normal charging fully fills the battery in 3 hours or more.

Short-term charging has a slight effect on the heating level of the device, as the function speeds up the process of replenishing the energy. The case can be heated no more than with a standard connection to the mains.

The main factors affecting the temperature of the smartphone battery are use in hot weather and in the sun or in frost. If you connect the phone to the mains while in a hot room, or put it near heating devices (which absolutely cannot be done), then the heating will be significant.

Battery wear and tear

Frequent recharging in fast mode really helps to reduce the energy consumption of the battery. This is true not only for smartphones, but also for any cordless phones, even with a normal charging function.

Manufacturers for each device model calculate a certain number of cycles of 100% replenishment of the energy level, for example, 1200, 1600, etc.

If you charge it to the level of 95-97%, then the battery will not be fully replenished, and the number of cycles will be saved. Also, to save resource intensity, it is worth considering the following:

  • avoid situations when the device is connected to the network for only 20-30 minutes;
  • do not load the phone with running applications during the procedure;
  • do not cover the charging device with anything;
  • do not discharge the gadget before disconnecting, as there is a voltage drop;
  • connect your smartphone to the network with a battery level of 20-30%.

Proof of Reliability

The batteries in most phones are lithium-ion and consist of an anode, a cathode, and a polymer electrolyte with lithium salts. When recharging, intercalation begins – lithium ions penetrate into the anode, and when they are discharged, they penetrate into the cathode.

Any charge, even with a small current, always leads to degradation of the battery due to natural processes. The electrolyte interacts with the anode, which leads to a loss of its capacity. In this case, the electrolyte itself also decomposes.

Compliance with the simple operating conditions of the smartphone will keep the equipment working much longer. If you do not take these rules into account, you will often have to spend money on new equipment.

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