Error 0x800703EE when working with external media

Error 0x800703EE appears on a wide variety of Windows versions when copying / pasting files on external media, such as USB storage or external SSD / HDD. The error message contains the following information:

Failed to copy file due to an unexpected error. If this error message reappears, search the error code for help with this issue.

Error 0x800703EE: The volume for the open file has been modified externally, so it is not possible to work with this file.

Causes of error 0x800703EE

  • Conflict with third-party antivirus. If you have third-party antivirus software installed on your system, then there is every chance that it literally blocks the movement of the files you need to external media. In order to fix this problem, you can disable real-time protection on this antivirus, or completely remove it and use the services of the system antivirus.
  • The backup program locks files. Are you using software such as Ease US, FBackup, or Acronis True Image? Well, just these programs for creating backups could cause the error 0x800703EE to appear. To use external media normally, you will need to close the backup program or uninstall it if you do not need it.
  • Conflict with third-party software. Your system may be running some third-party software that conflicts with external media or operations on it. In this case, you can try to return the system to its original state using a restore point when the error 0x800703EE did not exist.
  • Corrupted / incorrectly working USB controller driver. Many users do not even know about this, but a damaged or incorrectly working USB controller driver may be behind the appearance of this error. If you understand that this is really the case, then you just have to reinstall these drivers.
  • Windows backup and shadow copy functionality is disabled. It was found that error 0x800703EE has a fairly high chance of occurring if functions such as backup and shadow copy are disabled on the user’s system. The solution is to enable these system features.
  • Conflict with iTunes drivers or file writing software. If you encounter this error when copying files from a USB flash drive, SD card, and other similar storages, then you are probably out of luck to stumble upon a conflict caused by the operation of iTunes drivers or a program for recording files. In this case, you can try to remove the filter driver from the system register.
  • Damage to system files. In rare cases, the error 0x800703EE can be caused by corrupted Windows system files. Determining such damage is extremely difficult, but it is quite possible with the help of system utilities such as SFC and DISM.

Methods for solving error 0x800703EE


Method # 1 Disabling third-party antivirus

It turns out that third-party antivirus software can cause error 0x800703EE to appear when moving files on external media. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the antivirus starts scanning files being moved. If this check is decently delayed, then the system can show the user an error message.

Users faced with such a problem have found a fairly effective solution to combat it. All you need to do is deactivate the real-time protection of your antivirus program and move the files you need to / from external media. When you’re done with the move, turn the antivirus protection back on.

Of course, if you do not want to constantly face error 0x800703EE and constantly turn off protection on your computer, then we recommend that you install another program or even use Windows Defender.

Method number 2 Removing the program for backups

Unfortunately, useful programs such as Ease Us, FBackup, and Acronis True Image are potential culprits for error 0x800703EE. However, other similar programs can cause this problem. To get rid of a particular program, do the following:

  1. right-click on Start;
  2. click on “Applications and features”;
  3. find the program you need in the list and select it;
  4. press the “Delete” button twice and follow the instructions on the screen;
  5. restart your computer.

Try again to perform the operation you want on the external media. Error 0x800703EE might have disappeared.

Method # 3 Reinstalling USB controller drivers

Some users claim that their error 0x800703EE manifested itself due to incorrectly working USB controller drivers. You may have the same problem. If so, then you can easily fix it by reinstalling the necessary drivers:

  1. press the Windows + R buttons;
  2. write the value “devmgmt.msc” and press Enter;
  3. open the section “USB controllers” in the window;
  4. remove all drivers for USB controllers in this list;
  5. restart your computer.

When you restart your PC, Windows will detect the missing drivers and reinstall them on its own. Once that happens, plug in your external storage device and try moving files again.

Method # 4 Turn on backup and shadow copy

Another reason for the error 0x800703EE to appear is the deactivated Windows backup and shadow copy functions. You may have forgotten that you turned them off yourself when. There is also a possibility that they were disabled by a third-party program, for example, a utility for optimizing RAM. Here’s how to enable these features:

  1. press Windows + R;
  2. write the value “services.msc” and press Enter;
  3. find services such as Volume Shadow Copy and Windows Backup in the list;
  4. enter the properties of each of these services and set “Startup type: automatic”;
  5. save your changes and restart your computer.

Try moving your files to external storage. If these services have been deactivated, then the error 0x800703EE should disappear.

Method # 5 Removing driver filters

Problems moving or copying files on USB sticks, SD cards and other similar storage devices? It is likely that you are unlucky enough to stumble upon a conflict between the services involved in working on the storage and the software for writing data to various media.

If this is really the case, then you need to try to get rid of the driver filters in the Windows system registry. This is done as follows:

  1. press the combination Windows + R;
  2. write “regedit” in a blank line and press Enter;
  3. having opened the register, enter the following value in the navigation line and press Enter:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Class {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
  4. it is recommended to make a backup before deleting; right-click on “{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}” and select “Export”, then select the directory on your computer where to put the backup and click “Save”;
  5. then go to “{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}”;
  6. now find the parameters “Upperfilters” and “Lowerfilters” and remove them from the system register;
  7. restart your computer.

Check if the problem with error 0x800703EE has been resolved. If you run into problems, then just use the created backup to return the system register to its original state.

Method # 6 Applying SFC and DISM Scans

This error may indicate that some system files have been damaged in your Windows. It is practically impossible to determine on your own what exactly was damaged. However, you can use programs such as SFC and DISM to troubleshoot and repair damage.

It is very easy to use these system programs:

  1. right-click on Start;
  2. select “Command line (administrator)”;
  3. having opened the command line with administrator rights, enter the command “sfc / scannow” and press Enter;

    The note: be sure to wait until the end of this utility! Interrupting her work can lead to even greater problems.

  4. after executing the command, restart your computer;
  5. reopen the command line with the same steps;
  6. enter the command “DISM / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth” and press Enter;

    The note: DISM will scan the system for corrupted files, download new ones from the network, and replace them. Therefore, before using the command, make sure that everything is fine with your network connection.

  7. at the end of the program, restart your computer.

If there are damages found in the system, the error 0x800703EE should disappear. If you still encounter it … well, it’s time to use the last method.

Method # 7 System Restore

You tried the methods in the article – everything is in vain, nothing works. In this case, you should resort to restoring your Windows. As a rule, in such situations, it is enough to use a restore point to get everything in order. Try the following:

  1. press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R;
  2. write in the line the value “rstrui” and press Enter;
  3. in the window that appears, click “Next”;
  4. check the box next to “Show more restore points”;
  5. select the point where no error 0x800703EE was observed in the system and click “Next”;
  6. press the “Finish” button, after which the process of returning to the selected point will begin.

Once the process is over, Windows will return to its earlier, more stable state. Error 0x800703EE shouldn’t bother you anymore.

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