Error 0x8e5e0247 occurs when updating the Windows system or while using the built-in troubleshooter. Despite the fact that this error can appear on all versions of Windows, it is mainly Windows 7 users who complain about its appearance.
Causes of Error 0x8e5e0247
As a rule, there are three reasons for the appearance of this error:
- outdated Intel RST storage technology driver;
- Intel Matrix Storage driver conflicts with a driver in the system that performs similar functionality;
- damage to system files.
As you might have already figured out, fixing the error 0x8e5e0247 will be quite simple.
Ways to solve 0x8e5e0247
Method # 1 Updating Intel RST
If you started getting error 0x8e5e0247 after installing a new HDD / SSD in your PC, then the problem may be in the Intel RST driver, which simply does not know how to work correctly with your current drive. All that needs to be done in this case is to update the Intel RST driver.
Go to following link to download the latest Intel RST driver. Go down to the very bottom of the page you will go to and confirm that you have read the license presented to you. Once the installer is downloaded to your computer, double-click on it with the left mouse button and follow the instructions on your screen.
After installing the new Intel RST driver on your system, check to see if error 0x8e5e0247 still occurs.
Method # 2 Removing the Intel Matrix Storage driver
The discussed error can occur if you have Intel RST and Intel Matrix Storage installed on your computer at the same time. Simply put, a conflict arises between two drivers performing similar functions. In such a case, you can try uninstalling Intel Matrix Storage from your system.
You can uninstall Intel Matrix Storage using Apps and Features or Programs and Features.
Method number 3 Restoring system files
In quite rare cases, error 0x8e5e0247 can occur due to corrupted Windows system files. Files that were important to the troubleshooter or Windows Update might be corrupted. You can try the following:
- right-click on Start;
- click on the item “Command line (administrator)”;
- type “sfc / scannow” and press Enter;
- wait until the SFC finishes working and restart the PC;
- open Command Prompt again;
- type in “DISM / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth” and press Enter;
- wait for DISM to finish and restart your computer.
Upon entering the system, we check for an error. In the presence of corrupted system files, it should have disappeared. We hope that this material was at least somehow useful to you and you got rid of the annoying 0x8e5e0247.