During the installation of applications, you can stumble upon the error “1607 Unable to Install InstallShield Scripting Runtime”. This error can occur on all modern versions of Windows, from Windows 7 to the latest builds of Windows 10.
What Causes “1607 Unable to Install”?
- Corrupted Windows Installer / InstallShield. The most common cause of the error is the Windows system installer or InstallShield is corrupted. Everything is solved by an elementary installation by reinstalling the software or by renaming one folder.
- The .NET Framework is missing. For the Windows Installer to work, the system must have an up-to-date version of the .NET Framework. To resolve the error, you can try installing the latest version of the .NET Framework.
- Running processes interfere with the installation. Some processes running on the system can prevent the application from installing normally. It is enough to close them to get rid of the error.
Correcting the error “1607 Unable to Install”
Solution # 1 Renaming the InstallShield folder
Corrupted InstallShield files can cause the error we are considering today. As practice shows, it is enough to rename the InstallShield folder to get rid of the installation problem. Do the following:
- open your System Explorer;
- go to the directory “C: Program Files (x86) Common Files”;
- rename the “InstallShield” folder to “InstallShield1”;
- restart your computer and re-install the application.
Solution # 2 Installing Windows Installer
The Windows Installer files may have been corrupted on your system, resulting in the “1607 Unable to Install” error. To fix this, you need to do the following:
- go to this link and choose your preferred language;
- click the “Download” button to download the installer;
- wait for the download to finish and run the downloaded file;
- follow the instructions on the screen to install Windows Installer;
- restart your computer.
Solution # 3 Install .NET Framework
In some cases, the InstallShield error can occur due to the lack of the required version of the .NET Framework on the system. Go to this link to download the latest .NET Framework (4.8) and install it. Restart your computer after installation and check if the “1607 Unable to Install” error has been resolved.
Solution # 4 Closing running processes
Certain processes can prevent applications from being installed correctly and cause the error in question. Open the Task Manager (RMB to the taskbar) and view the running processes. Look for processes called “idriver.exe”, “msiexec.exe” or any other process with “InstallShield” in their name.
We hope that the solutions provided in this article helped you get rid of the “1607 Unable to Install” error.