How do I stay offline and reply to WhatsApp messages?

You can talk about the reasons for increased secrecy for a long time, but still sometimes you have to enter your profile. After authorization in the account, the status on the network is displayed, and social norms require an answer to everyone who wrote something, otherwise they may be offended. When you receive an important message, it becomes a choice – to enter the profile and be involved in a long conversation with other users, or to ignore the notification. There is actually a way to reply to a message and not show up online.

Reply from notification or smartwatch

The method is available on all smartphones running Android Nougat or newer. The bottom line is the ability to write a response to a message directly from the notification. It is enough to open the menu and enter whatever you want on the keyboard. The application itself does not need to be launched. There is a “Reply” button right in the notification, you just have to click on it.

If you have an Android Wear smartwatch, you can be guaranteed to protect yourself from surfing the web. The principle is the same – to reply to the message from the toast notification. Moreover, the anonymous mode remains even if you enter text without clicking on the “Reply” button.

Sending messages offline

The alternative method is interesting in that it allows you to easily write a detailed response without the risk of authorizing on the service in case of an unsuccessful click.

What should be done:

  1. Turn off mobile data and wifi internet connection tools.
  2. Go to the WhatsApp application and open the desired conversation.
  3. Write a message and send it.
  4. Close the WhatsApp app.
  5. Reconnect to the Internet via a mobile operator or Wi-Fi.

The messenger without user participation will send a message without displaying the “online” icon.

Bonus: reading WhatsApp messages in “Incognito” mode

To achieve this goal, you can use a special application – Unseen… It works equally well not only with WhatsApp, but also Telegram, Viber, Facebook Messenger. In all cases, you can read messages offline. True, this trick does not allow sending answers in a stealthy mode, only reading is available without the knowledge of other participants. The main advantage of Unseen is that you can take your time to give an answer, think about everything in advance or wait for a more convenient moment.

With each new message from messengers, Unseen receives a notification. The invisible warning can be further configured to display in different colors. The interlocutor learns that his message has been read only at the moment when the user clicks the “Reply” button. Immediately there will be an automatic redirection to WhatsApp and the display of the “online” status. It is worth noting that the application sometimes does not work correctly when communicating in a group chat.

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