Those who frequently play games are more likely to encounter a blue screen of death that points to the dxgmms2.sys file. The error may be accompanied by phrases: SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION, KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and others. You can see them in the screenshot. In any case, Windows 10 is trying to tell us that it could not find, load the file, or that dxgmms2.sys is corrupted. Next, we will look at why this happened and how it can be fixed.
What caused the dxgmms2.sys problem?
The problem can be provoked by:
- damaged drivers;
- incorrect operation of the second monitor or the inability to use them in pairs;
- glitch in hardware acceleration.
How to fix dxgmms2.sys BSOD error?
Aside from rolling back Windows 10, which might also help, there are several working ways to fix the problem:
- Clean installation of drivers… It is important not only to update the video driver or run the installer over the old one, but to remove it first. This can be done through the Device Manager interface in the Display Adapters section. The required parameter is located in the driver menu, which can be opened by double-clicking on the device and going to the tab of the same name.
- Turn off second monitor… If the driver does not work correctly, it may not handle a couple of monitors at once. The easiest way to do this is to press Win + P and select the “Computer screen only” or “Second screen only” option.
- Disable hardware acceleration… It is actively used by almost all users, as it is used to increase the performance of the operating system. The difficulty is that Windows 10 does not provide access to this parameter through the interface, so you need to edit the registry. We will get into it if you press Win + R, enter regedit and press OK. Next, you need to go to the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER> Software> Microsoft> Avalon.Graphics. It remains only to click twice on the DisableHWAcceleration parameter and set it to 1. If it is not there, you just need to create this element.
You can also try to roll back the system, reset BIOS settings, update Windows 10. Plus, some users say that Microsoft Office Access 2010 can also cause a crash. You can try to remove it temporarily. Anything else is overly fantastic options that are unlikely to help with dxgmms2.sys error.