How to fix error 0x800f0905 in Windows 10?

Almost always, error 0x800f0905 in Windows 10 is related to file corruption. This is either a malfunction of the update file itself, or system files. After the error code appears, the update is interrupted or the download hangs. This behavior is often seen every time an update is attempted. The good news is that you can fix the problem. Most often, you just need to find a workaround to install a fresh patch of Windows 10. Now we will show all possible ways to fix error 0x800f0905, which may appear when updating and when uninstalling an update in Windows 10, Windows 11.

Installer encountered error 0x800f0905

Reasons for the error

Fortunately, there are not so many reasons for this problem:

  • network problems while uploading a file;
  • corruption of the update file;
  • malfunction of Windows system files.

Acting in the indicated directions, we managed to find 4 global solutions to the problem.

How to fix 0x800f0905?

We do not want to dwell on commonplace ways of correction for a long time. Therefore, we will immediately indicate that you need to check your Internet connection. It may be unstable, there are DNS issues, DNS cache issues. After making sure that the network is there and it is stable, you need to analyze the system files. There is a quick, efficient and automatic way to do this – the sfc utility. You just need to enter the sfc / scannow line into the command line with administrator privileges.

Now is the time to move on to more targeted solution methods that have worked for other users. This has been repeatedly expressed in technical forums.

1) Let the computer update itself

The first method is also extremely simple to implement. It assumes that your hardware, especially your hard drive, is very slow. In this case, downloading and installing the update may take a long time. Periodically, this state of affairs will result in a connection timeout and an error. You just have to try a few more times and wait a little longer for the completion of the procedure. It is only important to turn off the automatic transition to sleep mode. Ideally, you should leave the computer overnight and see the result in the morning.

2) Use Microsoft auto-updater

The company has a special tool, Media Creation Tool, which allows you to download an ISO image of the system, perform a clean install, create a bootable USB flash drive and, most importantly, update Windows to a new version. As a result, slightly different algorithms are used, so errors 0x800f0905 may not appear when updating Windows 10, 11.

What should be done:

  1. Go to this the Microsoft page and click on the “Download tool now” button.
  2. Having received the file, open it with administrator rights and agree to the terms of use.
  3. On the start page with the question: “What do you want to do?”, Select “Update this computer now”.
  4. We are waiting for the procedure to complete.

Error 0x800f0905 Windows 10

3) Run the update manually via Powershell

The first step is to try a simple update. This method may not work and you will have to reboot the Windows Control Center additionally. The second option is more preferable due to its effectiveness, but also more laborious.

How to update Windows 10, 11 via command line or Powershell:

  1. Enter into the console wuauclt /detectnow and press Enter. Should start searching for updates.
  2. As soon as the update is found, enter wuauclt /UpdateNow and press the Enter key. Now the procedure for downloading and installing all the updates found should begin.

To reset the state of Windows Update 10 services, you need to enter the following list of commands sequentially:

net stop bits

net stop wuauserv

net stop appidsvc

net stop cryptsvc

Del “% ALLUSERSPROFILE% Application Data Microsoft Network Downloader *. *”

rmdir% systemroot% SoftwareDistribution / S / Q

rmdir% systemroot% system32 catroot2 / S / Q

regsvr32.exe / s atl.dll

regsvr32.exe / s urlmon.dll

regsvr32.exe / s mshtml.dll

netsh winsock reset

netsh winsock reset proxy

net start bits

net start wuauserv

net start appidsvc

net start cryptsvc

4) Use the update troubleshooter

There are a lot of tools in Windows 10 and 11 to fix common problems, including when updating the operating system. It fixes many different problems when updating the OS, so there is no point in ignoring it.

How to start it:

  1. Go to the “Parameters” of the system with the keys Win + I.
  2. Select the “System” tab and go to the “Troubleshooting” page.
  3. Click on “Windows Update” and the “Run the troubleshooter” button expands.

Error 0x800f0905 Windows 10

We really hope that some of the methods will help resolve the update error with code 0x800f0905 in Windows 10, 11. Otherwise, you will have to reset the OS to the factory state and try to update from it.

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