Error with code 0xA00F4271, can also be associated with
What to do in case of error 0xa00f4271?
We note right away that the battle with error 0xa00f4271 in Windows 10 is unequal and the advantage is not in our favor. Some people cannot fix the crash in any way. However, there are those who are more fortunate, and one of the following procedures worked for them:
- Remove webcam from “Device Manager” and restart your computer. After reconnecting, it can work properly.
- Remove problematic updates… Some security updates are reported to have triggered the crash. Users point to KB4537572 and KB4552152… It is worth trying to remove them (via the Programs and Features tool, and then check if there is an effect.
- Edit the registry… Go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / WOW6432Node / Microsoft / Windows Media Foundation. Being in the Windows Media Foundation folder, right-click on the workspace on the right and select “New” – “DWORD 32-bit Parameter”. Specify the name in the field – EnableFrameServerMode and set the value to 0.
- Install new driver… Just download it from the official source, try the newest version first. Perhaps, if it doesn’t work, you can try your luck with relatively old drivers.
It looks like the error 0xA00F4271 in Windows is related to a flaw in Microsoft or its intentional actions to prohibit the use of unofficial hardware. It is worth trying to connect an external camera if it is a built-in one and check its behavior.
If you have at least some useful data, describe your situation in the comments. Perhaps, together, we can still find a solution or at least a workaround that will work for everyone.