How to fix error 0xc00d36cb in Windows 10?

Most likely, when you tried to open some kind of video in the Windows 10 operating system, you saw a playback error with the code 0xc00d36cb. It can appear both when playing only individual clips, and when running certain formats: mkv, mp3, mp4, etc. It is quite possible to fix this annoying problem on your own by performing a few simple manipulations.

Causes of Error 0xc00d36cb

In most cases, the 0xc00d36cb crash is caused by one of the following problems:

  • system component problem;
  • damage to the Windows store;
  • incorrect permissions set to the file;
  • user profile malfunction;
  • error while uploading file.

How to fix error 0xc00d36cb?

Now we will consider, in order, those actions that can restore the video to work. However, we recommend that you start by trying to download this file again. The video itself is highly likely to have a problem, it may not fully load or experience loading problems. The next step in fixing or diagnosing, call it what you want, is to switch to another player. You need to know, the problem in a particular player or video does not start in all programs. In the first case, it is enough to switch to using another player, in the second case, you can proceed to solving the error.

Method 1: use the troubleshooter

It would be foolish not to use a tool that automatically scans your video playback system. It is built into Windows 10 and is easily accessible to any user. It is very likely that this will be enough to fix the problem, if anything, it certainly won’t hurt. From experience, the repair tool works well, often detects breakdowns and fixes them, or at least tells you what to do.

Here’s how you can start it:

  1. Press Win + X and select “Control Panel”.
  2. We open “Troubleshooting”.
  3. Click on the item “View all categories” and select “Play video”.

How to fix error 0xc00d36cb

Method 2: reset Microsoft Store

Windows uses the Microsoft Store to play videos, so clearing its cache can often help. Although this solution cannot be called a panacea, it is simple to implement, which is why we put it as one of the first methods. The easiest way to get things done is to paste into the command line wsreset.exe

Method 3: open access to the file

If the system does not have privileges to use and process the file, it is not able to play it. This can be done both for the whole folder and for individual items.


  1. Right-click on the file and select “Properties”.
  2. On the “Security” tab, click on the “Change” button.
  3. We set the checkbox “Full Control” for “System” and “Administrators”.

How to fix error 0xc00d36cb

Method 4: create a new user profile

When all the previous methods did not give a positive result, it is time to conclude that there are problems in the user’s files. Creating a new account should help with this issue.

How to do it:

  1. Open “Options” with the keys Win + I and go to the “Accounts” section.
  2. We go to the tab “Family and other people”.
  3. We select “Add user for this computer”.
  4. We follow the instructions from the instructions.

How to fix error 0xc00d36cb

All that remains is to transfer the files of the previous user, all personal files are located in the appropriate sections C: Users. In the new account, the error 0xc00d36cb should not appear, and the video should start without problems.

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