How to fix error 8002a308 on PS3?

8002a308 – Error on PS3 console when logging into PSN. Typically, users complain about this problem at certain times. The error message contains the following information:

An error has occurred. You have been logged out of PSN. (8002a308)

Unfortunately, the error message for error 8002a308 on PS3 does not include any useful information that could tell you what went wrong. However, this error is far from new, so the reasons behind the appearance have long been known to most users on the network.

Typically, error 8002a308 on PS3 occurs when PSN servers have been disabled or are under extreme stress. Based on this, the only thing that remains for you is to wait until the PlayStation Network servers are operational. You can monitor their status using the following link:

However, this begs the following question: what to do if error 8002a308 on PS3 occurs even with normal PSN services? Well, there are such cases. Indeed, at times, this error can occur for completely different reasons, not related to the unavailability of PSN.

For example, some users claim that error 8002a308 can occur due to problems authorizing your PSN account. Solving such a problem is extremely difficult: you need to log into an account on another PS3 console, log out of it, and then try to log in on the one on which the error 8002a308 occurred. It doesn’t always help, but sometimes it works.

Among other things, error 8002a308 can also occur for quite trivial reasons, for example, a PS3 console software malfunction, a problem on the provider’s side, or a malfunctioning router. If error 8002a308 was caused by any of these reasons, then we recommend that you try the following:

  • restart your PS3 console;
  • restart the router;
  • try using a wired connection;
  • change the DNS server addresses in the network connection settings to any public ones, for example, from Google or the OpenDNS Internet service;

Try these solutions to try to resolve error 8002a308 on PS3.

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