How to fix error 80072EF3 on Xbox One?

Xbox users recently discovered they were getting an error 80072EF3 when trying to enter Xbox live… An error while trying to connect indicates a problem with the network connection, but there are other reasons for the error.

Not only users Xbox may receive a similar error. You may experience similar issues on your computer when updating. Upon entering Xbox live users are asked to enter their Email and password, but after verification they only see an error 80072ef3.

Solutions for Error 80072EF3 on Xbox One


Method # 1 Restarting the network connection

The first thing you should do is restart your network connection. Then try again to go to Xbox live and check if the problem is gone.

Method # 2 Restarting the console

If the previous method did not work for you, then try restarting the console itself. This usually fixes the problem right away.

To reboot the console, simply hold down the center Hyde Button … Then select turn off the console and press “BUT”

Now turn on the console again with a simple hold Hyde buttons.

Method # 3 Clearing the system cache

Usually this method is not used due to the fact that the previous ones solve the problem. However, if you still could not get rid of the error 80072EF3then try clearing the system cache. To do this, do the following:

  • Click on Hyde Button and go to “Settings” -> “System Preferences” -> “Repositories” -> “Show Storage” -> press “Y” -> “Clear System Cache” -> select “Yes”.

After that, you will clear your system cache and most likely get rid of the error 80072EF3

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