When using the printer on a Windows 10 PC, you may see an error code 0x000007d1. The following message is attached to the error itself:
Unable to complete the operation (error 0x000007d1).
Wrong driver selected.
Cause? In fact, the reason behind this error is indicated immediately in its message: the problem lies in the incorrectly working driver of the connected printer.
How to fix error 0x000007d1?
As a rule, this whole problem is solved with an elementary update or reinstallation of the printer driver. Do the following:
- press Windows + R;
- write down devmgmt.msc and press Enter;
- open the section “Print queues” and find your printer;
- right-click on it and select “Update driver”;
- select the option “Automatically search for updated drivers”;
- follow the further instructions on the screen and wait for the driver update.
Use a printer and see if the error 0x000007d1 is gone. If not, then try reinstalling the driver. To do this, instead of the “Update driver” option in the Device Manager, select “Remove device”.
Then restart your computer, go to the official website of your printer manufacturer, download the driver and install it. Believe me, the procedure is very simple – you won’t get lost. As soon as you install a fresh driver, check for error 0x000007d1.
If updating and reinstalling the printer driver did not help you solve this problem, then you can perform a small “hack” in the Windows registry. Do the following:
- press Windows + R;
- write down regedit and press Enter;
- go to the next section:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Print PostSPUpgrade
- remove PostSPUpgradeusing the left side of the registry window;
- restart your computer.
We use the connected printer and check if the error 0x000007d1 was resolved or not.