How to fix “Secure Boot Violation” in Windows 7, 8 and 10?

The “Secure Boot Violation – Invalid Signature Detected” error appears when starting a Windows computer. You can press Enter when it appears to log in, but it will appear every time the PC boots.

What Causes “Secure Boot Violation”?

Typically, the cause behind this message is incredibly difficult to determine. Judge for yourself: a short message on a red background that provides a minimal amount of information, and incomprehensible to many users. However, the first part of the post still gives a hint on how you can get rid of this problem.

Secure Boot is a special protocol for the BIOS that prevents unauthorized operating systems from starting on the device. Thanks to this protocol, the BIOS “remembers” the signatures of the boot code of the original system, and if these signatures do not match, Secure Boot blocks the boot of another system.

Secure Boot Violation solution

Secure Boot Violation

Solution # 1 Disabling the protocol

True, to get rid of the “Secure Boot Violation” error, it is often enough to simply disable the corresponding protocol in the BIOS. Perhaps you tried to boot into some other, additional OS that Secure Boot did not like.

One way or another, enter the BIOS by pressing the button allocated for this (each has a different one – google) when booting the computer. For example, these buttons are often DEL, F1, F2, and so on. As soon as you enter the BIOS, we start looking for the Secure Boot item. Again, in each BIOS, it can be located in different tabs.

Having found the required parameter, set its value to “Disabled”. Save your changes to BIOS and restart your computer. The “Secure Boot Violation” error should disappear.

Solution # 2 Removing update KB3084905

It turns out that the KB3084905 update released for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8.1 can cause some Secure Boot issues on computers that are connected to the same domain controller. The solution is to remove the above update from the system. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. press Windows + R;
  2. write down the value “control.exe” and press Enter;
  3. select “Remove Programs” in the categories;
  4. click on the line “View installed updates”;
  5. find the update KB3084905 in the list, right-click on it and select “Delete”;
  6. follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall the update;
  7. restart your computer.

Check if the “Secure Boot Violation” error appears or not.

Solution # 3 Disable digital signature verification

Let’s try to disable mandatory digital signature verification for drivers. Some users claim that they managed to get rid of the Secure Boot issue after disabling this feature. One way or another, it doesn’t hurt to try. Do the following:

  1. open System Settings;
  2. select the “Update and Security” section;
  3. go to the “Recovery” tab;
  4. click on the “Restart now” button;
  5. on the action selection screen, select “Diagnostics”;
  6. open “Advanced options”;
  7. select the “Boot Options” item and click the “Restart” button;
  8. now press the F7 button to disable mandatory driver signature verification.

If you log in normally, the “Secure Boot Violation” message did appear due to digital signature verification. We hope this article was helpful to you.

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