Almost every mobile operator gives you the opportunity to send SMS messages thanks to a special service. At the same time, you will not spend even a share of your savings, not counting, of course, the traffic on the network.
This free option for sending SMS is an excellent solution for people who currently lack funds in their account. Let’s now describe how it works.
How it works
First you need to go to the mobile operator Megafon. After that, you will need to indicate the region of your residence, which can be changed in the upper right corner.
Now look for the button on the main page of the site “Sending SMS and MMS”. After clicking, a window with settings for sending parameters will open in front of you. In it, you can specify the phone number, message text, attach a file (if necessary), select automatic transliteration and specify the date and time for message delivery.
What “Transliteration”? This process replaces the Latin keyboard with the Cyrillic one. Let’s say, for example, you entered “ti svoboden?”. The person who will receive the message will see the message “you are free?”.
This thing was incredibly useful during the life of even older versions of phones, where Russian mailing was not supported. This process is no longer needed as all operators and machines can now distinguish the Cyrillic alphabet.
An incredibly useful feature is the most accurate setting of the date and time of the message being sent. You can customize the pick-up time up to minutes. For example, someone is about to have an anniversary or an important holiday. However, you are sure that you will most likely forget about it. With this setting, your experiences will completely dissolve.
Now let’s take a look at the attached images. They should not exceed the size of 80kb… If there is an excess, then the image will simply not fit the message. You can easily reduce the size of the image you need in the simplest editors, for example in Paint…
Sending a message takes about 10 seconds. As soon as the message reaches the addressee, you will receive a successful delivery message.