Physxloader.dll download for Windows 7, 8 and 10 32/64 bit: how to install

Files with the dll extension are system dynamic libraries. They implement some functions with a set of specific components that can be called from third-party programs. That is, a once-written code with a certain functionality is not written in every new program, but the library file is connected, where the necessary is already written.


To work with complex graphics, NVIDIA has its own PhysX engine. NVIDIA PhysX delivers lifelike rendering in complex gaming environments and professional graphics editors. For example, this package uses the AutoCAD editor and the Metro 2033 computer game.

The engine includes the physxloader.dll file, it is he who is responsible for the resource-intensive rendering of graphics. When using software products in the operating system that require this file, it must be present. Otherwise, the launch of the game or application will become impossible and an error message will be displayed. The message about the absence of this dynamic library can be either a system message or a message from the program manufacturer. In any case, the essence of the error is the same, although the description may differ slightly.

Solving the problem in the absence of the physxloader.dll file

You can download physxloader dll for free for Windows 7, but this will not solve the problem, since there are some nuances. Simple copying of many DLL files to the Windows directory or to the folder with the installed program will not bring the desired results. The fact is that in modern implementations of operating systems, registration of third-party files is required. This is due to security requirements. The easiest way is to install the full NVIDIA PhysX package. With this approach, registration of third-party libraries occurs automatically. It may need to run as a system administrator. But this is not necessary, since many users change the policy for issuing messages confirming the installation of third-party programs.

If you have a video adapter from NVIDIA Corporation, there is a possibility of damage to the video driver. On modern graphics cards, the full NVIDIA PhysX package is included by default in the software. Accordingly, it also contains the required physxloader.dll. Reinstalling the graphics card driver will fix the problem.

If an error about the absence of a file appeared after the game was launched or the corresponding software was running, then most likely this is the removal or corruption of physxloader.dll. In this case, you can try to solve the problem by restoring the system. To do this, you need to select a restore point and start the process itself. If the procedure is positive, the system files will be restored from the backup copy and the operation of the programs generating the error will resume.

Manual installation of physxloader.dll

The dynamic link executable file is one for Windows operating systems of any bitness. But the ways of finding it in 32 or 64 systems are different. Registration in the system is slightly different. Registering a dll is essentially creating a corresponding entry in the system registry. Without this procedure, the file will simply be an unnecessary element, and the system will not be able to access it.

Installation for Windows 32 and Windows 64

First you need to download physxloader from a reliable source or from another trusted place. We place it along the path: C: Windows Sustem32, for a 32-bit system. For a 64-bit system, the file copy path will be “C: Windows SusWOW64. Next, you need to register the file in the system registry. To do this, open the “Run” item through the start menu or by a combination of the Win and R keys. In the window that appears, write the following line: “regsvr32 physxloader.dll”, press the “Enter” key. The library will be registered on this.

The physxloader dll library can be downloaded from any source on the Internet, the file is small enough and downloading will not take much time, but the authority of the resource will be a big plus. You must first check the file for viruses. This will protect yourself from possible problems.

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