How good is the new prem tank and will it pay for tens of hours spent on getting it?
Hello tankers! With you Wotpack and today we offer to speculate on the upcoming marathon “Fox Hunt” in World of Tanks. The main reward will be the Polish Tier 8 CS-52 LIS Medium Tank.
Let’s first go over the performance characteristics to form an overall impression. The first thing that catches your eye is high one-time damage, one of the largest among ST 8. But he pays for this with mediocre accuracy and time of information. Vertical guidance angles – not bad, but far from perfect. Pays for alpha very long recharge time.Armor penetration is at the level of minimum values: in the top of the list it feels fine, with “nines” there is already a lack of mm, but with “tens” you cannot do without gold. By the way, special sub-calibers have a high flight speed of 1569 m / s.

In terms of firepower, the car is unremarkable and, in principle, balanced.Vitality is the Achilles’ heel of the CS-52 LIS. Despite the rational angles of inclination of the armor he hits something extremely rarely… Almost everyone will be able to break through the tower, as already there will give out 25% of the FBG. Moreover, he smallest safety margin among level 8 STs. Compensated a little good stealth, but you can’t sniper with his weapon, you still have to drive closer.
His mobility is average, but again, nothing outstanding. You cannot call him fast, but he is not sloppy either. And here poor maneuverability, it will not always be convenient to circle the bands. If the review is within normal limits, then here communication range 525 meters is puzzling why so few.
Now let’s get to the heart of the topic and summarize.
Polish engineers and our developers, creating the CS-52 LIS, started from the Soviet T-44, which surpasses its analogue from Poland in terms of the quality of booking, better stabilization of the gun and at the same time higher stealth… Compared with the premi, the T-44-100 will certainly be better, even the dull T-54 sample 1 will be able to disassemble the CS-52 LIS at close range.

Lansen C has the same alpha, but it has a much higher power density and better UHN, so there are more options for use in combat.

The group of tanks Bourrasque, Lorraine 40 t, Škoda T 27 and even more so Progetto 46 are superior to the Pole, because they have unique features: a drum with a large alpha and good penetration, immobilized camouflage, fast CD between shots or a reloading mechanism.
And the CS-52 LIS is devoid of any special features, there is no zest in it.
That is why the developers for the marathon first launched combat missions for award tank ownerswhich open from the first day (if you do not stick to skill, then it remains only to donate in order to do everything) and then under this case introduced cashback from purchases (depending on the amount spent, up to 30% gold is returned). The marketing department of VG is great, they know their work and they understand that there are few people willing to pour 4000 rubles on such a mediocre car. So they arranged a lure.
CS-52 LIS is better than conventional AMX CDC, M4A1 Revalorisé, M48A2 Räumpanzer, Panther 8.8 or STA-2. In terms of overall effectiveness in combat, it can be attributed to the ST group of the Panzer 58 Mutz, FV4202, T-54 sample 1 type.
Wherein tanks of the last group in the game are available absolutely free: take it for a referral, earn coupons for it or exchange it via Trade-in.
If a before marathons were really interesting (at least some variety of tasks) and offered to get immobile machines (SU-130 PM, “Boriska”, and even more so “wheel”), then the current hunt in terms of importance cannot be compared with the above.With this in mind I can’t recommend buying at full price. If you are going to play “hunt”, then you can take a new Pole with 70% -80% discount… The tank will only fit those players who decided to pump out a branch of the Polish ST or for avid collectors. The average player has nothing to lose if they miss a marathon.
This is purely the opinion of the author, I do not impose it on anyone, if you have other reasons, I invite you to dialogue in the comments.
Considering what kind of bacchanalia is going on in the random house, the players are already writing that the number of turbachi has increased compared to ordinary gaming everyday life (and now there is still x4 for the first victory), we can advise a more affordable and 100% option to get a premium tank for free, no worse than for a marathon. Recently, the 5th season of the referral program has begun, new tanks have been added, and you can go through it without stress even alone. At low levels, there are now fewer inadequacies, the majority have left to “marathon”.
An invite link and an invite code for the days of premium account, prem tank and gold for beginners in the information below.