Solution for error 0x80070718: Insufficient quotas to process

Sometimes Windows behaves unnaturally, it cannot perform a simple action – copy a file or an application. The system argues this with error 0x80070718, the message of which says “there are not enough quotas to process this command.” Mostly the problem appears when interacting indirectly or directly with a network folder. The problem has been confirmed in all popular operating systems: Windows 7, 8.1, and 10.

Major sources of error

Due to the limited information available on this crash, it was difficult to find the cause of the problem. This would not have been possible had it not been for the help of a group of users who encountered the error. The fruitful interaction resulted in the discovery of the following problems in Windows.

What causes error 0x80070718:

  • Limits on disk usage are too tight – this is the most likely cause of failure. For synced data, there is dedicated space on the HDD or SSD, which simply isn’t enough to accommodate new files. The obvious solution is to increase the allocated space through the Synchronization Center.
  • The data is saved to the SSD drive. Some users experienced difficulties transferring files to SSD, which is rather strange. What caused the disk to malfunction is unknown, but moving the savepoint to a regular hard disk clearly helped.
  • Damage to files or folders. The system begins to misbehave due to a violation of the integrity or damage to files. If the problematic item is shared, Windows starts to struggle with it. Having failed to achieve a positive result, error 0x80070718 appears. Usually, you can return the system to normal operation through the Windows fix-it utility.

Of course, if the error appeared on the corporate network, then the user does not need to do anything special. It is enough to contact the system administrator. In the case of a home network, you will have to fix the error yourself, and this instruction will help you with this.

Method 1: Change Disk Usage Limits

The vast majority of users were helped by increasing the allocated disk space. More space for offline files and temporary space needs to be set from Sync Center. Increasing by the same number usually helps.

Easy to understand guide:

  1. Click on the Win and R keys, enter the name of the system tool control.exe and press Enter.
  2. In the “Control Panel” find “Synchronization Center”. You can use search to help you find the item you are looking for faster.
  3. From the vertical menu on the left of the window, go to the “Manage Offline Files” page.
  4. In the window that appears, open the “Disk Usage” tab and click on the “Change” item. Maybe now you have to confirm that you have administrator rights.
  5. On the next window, increase the maximum amount of space occupied by offline files. Do the same with temporary files. It is recommended to increase it somewhere up to 70%.
  6. Click on the “OK” button and restart the computer.

Method 2: change the default file save location

Moving the folder to save the user’s files often helps to resolve the cause of the failure. This action is especially effective if the current save location is located on an SSD disk. Mostly the method works in Windows 10.

  1. Press the key combination Windows + R, insert ms-settings: savelocations and confirm the action with the Enter key.
  2. Go to “Settings”.
  3. Set all items to be saved by default to an HDD with sufficient memory. To do this, you need to expand all the drop-down menus and specify a drive with a suitable name.
  4. Click on the “Apply” button.
  5. Restart your system and check if you can fix error 0x80070718.

Method 3: Recover Windows files and folders

The system does not have a tool to restore user files and folders by default. However, Microsoft has created a suitable tool and is distributing it as an add-on. The tool works well enough, it is highly likely that you will be able to get the file or folder back into working order.

The below instruction works on Windows 7, 8.1, 10.

  1. Go to official page Fix-It tool and download the DiagCab file.
  2. Run the resulting file winfilefolder.DiagCab.
  3. In the inner section of the “Troubleshoot” tool, open the “Advanced” item. Here, set the selection next to “Apply fixes automatically” and click “Next”.
  4. Wait for the completion of the diagnostic procedure, select the problem file from the list and click on the “Next” item.
  5. Leave all allocations associated with different recovery strategies and start the repair procedure.
  6. Close the window and check that the file is currently running.

As practice shows, the three listed methods are quite enough to eliminate error 0x80070718: “there are not enough quotas to process this command.” It is impossible to say for sure which method will work in a particular case, but most likely one of them will actually end in success.

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