System and software error 0xc0000428: how to fix it?

The most common situation in which users encounter error 0xc0000428 is when they first start a new Windows OS. It doesn’t matter if it was installed from scratch or upgraded from previous versions. The consequences of the failure are deplorable, since they do not allow you to comfortably continue to work on the computer. Somewhat less often, the problem manifests itself when trying to install, enable applications, and very rarely – when adding new devices to a PC running Windows 10. The following describes the known causes of the problem and how to fix it.

What does error 0xc0000428 mean?

The general definition of the essence of the problem for all possible situations of its manifestation is a problem in the system files.

Why does error 0xc0000428 appear?

Mostly the problem occurs for the following reasons:

  • Pirate OS. At the same time, in addition to the error code 0xc0000428, there is also a file called oem-drv64.sys. The situation indicates a problem with activation.
  • Damage to OS files. Most often, we are talking about damage to the boot loader – BOOTMGR, which is involved in the process of turning on the operating system. In this case, error 0xc0000428 additionally contains a mention of the winload.exe file. The loader does not find the required files.
  • Conflict between the drive with the old bootloader and the drive with the new OS. It is undesirable to combine multiple bootable hard drives as this can cause startup problems.
  • Incorrect drivers for the added hardware. This is especially true of digital signatures. There is no fundamental difference between installing virtual and physical hardware.
  • Incorrect multiboot flash drive. Most likely, the error manifests itself during the installation of the OS. This is a consequence of the Grub4DOS bootloader.
  • Errors in the ready-made reg-files for adjusting the registry settings.
  • Problems with digital signing of applications or the security certificate has been exhausted.

How to fix error 0xc0000428?

Due to the wide variety of causes of the problem, there are also many ways to fix the error. Here are five effective methods.

Solution 1: remove the digital signature of the file

The solution is intended for users who are faced with a problem loading the OS.

2 options for action:

  • We use safe mode. Usually, when starting the OS, just press F. After turning on the PC, open the C: Windows System32 drivers folder and delete the oem-drv64.sys file. Even before switching to safe mode, it is worth turning off driver signature verification using the appropriate item.
  • Connect the USB flash drive to another PC and do the same – remove the oem-drv64.sys file.

After performing any action, there are still several registry settings to be adjusted. It’s about the internal folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / services called oem-drv64. We also delete it. To open the editor, just search for regedit.

Solution 2: use the command line

Using the console, we can immediately eliminate 2 reasons for the appearance of error 0xc0000428: incorrect digital signatures and damage to BOOTMGR.

How to turn off signature verification:

  1. Go to BIOS using F2 or Del at boot time.
  2. Turn off the “Secure boot” option.
  3. During the launch process, click on F8 and select “Disable signature verification”.
  4. Right-click on start, open the command line and enter bexe / set nointegritychecks on.
  5. Click on the Enter button.

How to update BOOTMGR:

  1. We load the OS from the installation flash drive or disk.
  2. We select the option “System Restore”.
  3. In one of the following windows, click on the “Command Line”.
  4. Enter the command Bcdboot C: Windows / s D: , where C is the letter of the system drive, and D is a flash drive or drive with the OS distribution. You may need to type diskpart followed by list volume before running the command. Thus, we will know exactly the names of the discs. Before specifying the main command, you need to enter and apply – exit.

Solution 3: issue administrator rights

The method is applicable when the program cannot be launched in the OS. It is very simple to implement:

  1. Right click on the file and go to “Properties”.
  2. On the “Compatibility” tab, set “Run as administrator”.

The same action should be performed with the installation file in case of problems during the installation phase.

Solution 4: turn off User Account Control (UAC)

This method is especially appropriate in case of failures during the installation process or the inclusion of programs.

What to do:

  1. In the registry editor (regedit in the search), go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => Software => Microsoft => Windows => CurrentVersion => Policies => System.
  2. Open the EnableLUA parameter and set it to 0.

Solution 5: use the built-in administrator account

Creating an elevated profile can help in cases where launching programs does not work due to a lack of privileges.


  1. Enter net user administrator / active: yes into the command line.
  2. Next, we specify net user administrator .
  3. We exit the console and select “Change user” through Start.
  4. We open the OS from a new profile.

If nothing worked, please describe the problem in detail in the comments, we may be able to figure out the problem and help fix it.

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