TOP 10 films that destroyed the careers of their creators

We are all used to discussing the fabulous profits of successful film studios releasing one picture after another. However, shooting is not cheap entertainment, so even a small failure can cause crazy damage to the company. Today we will talk about 10 movies that took their creators to the bottom of the industry and put an end to the further activities of film studios.

TOP 10 films that ruined the careers of their creators

Of course, the beast in the world of the movie business can afford to fail several times in a row, since they have a solid financial foundation. With small studios, everything is more complicated – even small losses can cause irreparable damage to the company and send its staff straight to the labor exchange.

Battlefield: Earth

Battlefield: Earth

Director: Roger Christian

Genre fiction

Year of issue: 2000

Not only is the studio Franchise pictures managed to deceive the expectations of the public with a very average science fiction film, and also twisted its investors around the finger, significantly overestimating the amount of production costs. Initially, the budget was announced in $ 75 million, but during the court proceedings it turned out that the real check – 44 million… Film collected 9 Golden Raspberriesas well as negative feedback from the audience.

The fees turned out to be really funny – 22 million, which dealt a serious blow to the studio’s financial position. However, the main troubles were ahead, the company received a fine for its machinations and forked out for more 121 million… This was enough to finally close the studio.

Feed transition

Feed transition

Director: Peter Israelson

Genre: melodrama

Year of issue: 1990

Shooting sports films is always a little risky, because this genre remains specific, especially when it comes to volleyball. However, the studio Aurora Productions did not give a damn about the conventions and decided to shoot a tape about a student who wins the competition, although he does not know how to play at all. Didn’t even save the picture C. Thomas Howell, it was he who was supposed to become the main star of the tape, but the release of the film went unnoticed for most moviegoers.

Company Aurora Productions was forced to close, because with a budget of 6 million dollars she only got order 400 thousand… It would seem that the losses are not so great, however, this was quite enough to drive the last nail into the coffin of the studio.

Dangerous Bangkok

Dangerous Bangkok

Director: The Pang Brothers

Genre: Action

Year of issue: 2008

As known, Nicolas Cage knows how to choose failed projects and paintings “Dangerous Bangkok” was no exception. The Pang Brothers ventured to make a remake of their own tape of the same name 1999 year, and the famous actor undertook to adapt it to Hollywood standards. The result remained depressing – “Dangerous Bangkok” not only lost its brutality, but also acquired an amazingly weak plot.

Company Virtual studiostrusting Asian directors and Nicolas Cage, put an end to her future activities, because the film has a budget of 40 million didn’t even manage to pay off.

Hotel “Artemis”


Director: Drew Pearce

Genre: Action

Year of issue: 2018

Much more was expected from this film than it was able to give the viewer. Jodie Foster and Dave Batista had to pull the tape to unprecedented heights, but only brought in the portfolio of the next “prohodnyak”. Yes and Drew Pierce took the script literally out of thin air, inspired by watching the picture “John Wick”

The result was the bankruptcy of the company Global Road Entertainmentwho sponsored all this mess. Sure, 15 million – a small budget for the present times, but even its creators have not been able to recoup.

Golden compass

Golden Golden Compass

Director: Chris Weitz

Genre: Fantasy

Year of issue: 2007

Before us is a completely successful film, which even received “Oscar” for the best visual effects. “Golden Compass” was released and managed to earn $ 372 million with a budget of 180 million… However, the studio New line cinema remained only in the red and was forced to become a division Warner bros

Why did this happen? The production costs were enormous, so the company began selling overseas display rights to offset the cost. However, in the USA “Golden Compass” collected all 70 million and dragged the studio that created “A Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Lord of the rings” to the bottom.

Isle of cutthroats

Isle of thugs

Director: Rennie Harlin

Genre: Action

Year of issue: 1995

It is no secret that the pirate theme is very popular among the audience, but there are very few films about the life of filibusters. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to remove a high-quality tape, this task is associated with large budgets and high risk. Picture “Island of thugs” became the studio’s swan song Carolco pictureswho gave the world films “Rambo” and Terminator 2

With a fantastic budget of $ 98 million the film has gathered pathetic 10 million… Such a failure could unsettle even the giants of the industry, therefore, before the appearance of “Pirates of the Caribbean” the topic of filibusters was practically closed.

Naked drummer

Naked drummer

Director: Peter Cattaneo

Genre: Comedy

Year of issue: 2008

Original painting “The Naked Drummer” did not pretend to be much – this is another motivating story that everything can be achieved if you really want to. Moreover, the film received overwhelmingly positive reviews from viewers and took its rightful place in our collections. However, people were in no hurry to go to cinemas and with a budget of 15 million, the tape has earned a little more 6 million

For a division of the company Fox, Fox atomic it was a real failure, so it is not surprising that the decision was made at the head office to close it.

Gates of paradise

Gates of paradise

Director: Michael Cimino

Genre: Drama

Year of issue: 1980

Praise today “Gates of Paradise” – a sign of good form, but initially critics smashed this picture to smithereens. The film about the confrontation between the Americans and the emigrants, probably only gained relevance now, when the issues of discrimination and oppression came to the fore.

However, the production of the tape turned out to be very difficult. There were heated debates around the film, scandals arose – the episodes were constantly re-filmed, which inflated the budget to $ 44 million, and only managed to return 3.5 million… Studio United Artists could not bear this catastrophe and ordered to live long.

last fantasy

last fantasy

Director: Hironobu Sakaguchi, Moto Sakakibara

Genre: animation

Year of issue: 2001

Animated film based on the famous series of computer games Final Fantasy… And although the plot of the picture has little to do with virtual entertainment, gamers of all stripes were waiting for the release with bated breath. I must say that the film “Last fantasy” did not disappoint the audience, receiving recognition and positive reviews.

But the financial aspect upset the creators – with a budget of 137 million only earned at the box office 85 million… Japanese Company Square pictures, which specialized in the production of cartoons, was forced to close.

Guys what you need

Guys what you need

Director: Philip Kaufman

Genre: Drama

Year of issue: 1983

Picture “Guys what you need” tells us about space exploration by American astronauts. From the point of view of filming, the film was made extremely high quality, so he received 4 statuettes at once “Oscar” in technical nominations. But the stretched plot and formulaic characters are the obvious disadvantages of the tape, which prevented the massive influx of viewers into cinemas.

The production of the picture took about 27 million, at the box office managed to collect only 21 million… Studio Ladd Company could not withstand such a blow and was forced to close, because they really expected a lot from the tape, putting everything on the line.

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