Top 10 movies with an unexpectedly dark ending

The Big Lebowski.  Titanic, Iron Grip.  La La Land.  Collage

The Hollywood product has always been famous for its good endings, which the audience has long been accustomed to. Sometimes they look not very realistic and too predictable, but filmmakers are not confused by this fact. However, more and more directors appear who are ready to challenge the audience and stun the viewer with a bad ending that does not follow from the logic of events.

Kindness and compassion are inherent in every person to one degree or another. When the characters on the screen are really to the liking of the viewer, he wishes for a better fate for them. However, this does not stop to make the story a little more tragic, because in life the “good guys” do not always win, and couples rarely live happily ever after.

Chasing Amy

Chasing Amy

Director: Kevin Smith

Genre: romance

Year of issue: 1997

Kevin Smithhe is Silent Bob, is more used to making comedies, but one cannot say that the director limits himself to the framework of one specific genre. The best proof of this is the painting Chasing Amywhich turned out to be an unexpectedly tragic melodrama.

Holden loves Amy, and he also has a best friend Banky, with whom he works on the production of comics. The guy is very worried when he finds out about the rich sexual past of his girlfriend and discord ensues in their relationship. Banky also turns away from Holden, and all the characters in the tape are unhappy – each in his own way.

My daughter

My daughter

Director: Howard Ziff

Genre: romance

Year of issue: 1991

A touching melodrama about growing up did not foreshadow events that could shock the viewer. However, the creators of the picture “My daughter” mercilessly kill the character Macaulay Culkin, the best friend of the main character named Wade… The cause of the tragedy was a wasp bite, which provoked an allergic reaction.

And although this event strengthened the spirit of the girl, it cannot be said that it followed from the logic of what was happening. The death of a little boy, especially so ridiculous, looks rather cruel for a film of this format.

One day

One day

Director: Lone Scherfig

Genre: romance

Year of issue: 2011

When we are going to watch a romantic comedy, we certainly do not count on the ending that was offered to us in the picture. “One day”… The viewer observes the development of relations for almost the entire film. Emma and Dexter for many years. Despite all the obstacles, young people get married and prepare for a long and happy life.

However, one fine day, Emma is hit by a car, which completely devalues ​​the entire plot in the eyes of the audience. True, one important lesson should be taken from this situation – the current state of affairs can change at any moment, so you need to value what you have.

Close Encounters of the Third Degree

Close Encounters of the Third Degree

Director: Steven Spielberg

Genre fiction

Year of issue: 1977

Sci-fi movie of course “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” – this is far from a light-hearted comedy that requires a happy ending. but Spielberg set a rather cheerful tone to his creation, and we are watching the development of events with interest. It all ends with the fact that the main character, Roy Niri voluntarily goes to the spaceship and flies away with the aliens.

Why is this ending sad? Roy has a family left on Earth, and if he has already ruined relations with his wife, being possessed UFOLeaving your own children for a flight to the stars is a rather selfish act. The ending leaves a feeling of devastation.

Marley and me

Marley and me

Director: David Frankel

Genre: Drama, Comedy

Year of issue: 2008

Animal films are a slippery slope for a sensitive viewer. It so happened that the fate of our smaller brothers is always especially not indifferent to a person. Alas, films about dogs often end badly – this topic is often exploited by filmmakers in order to have a certain psychological impact on the audience. The owners of the Labrador Marley were stars of the first magnitude – Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston

Unfortunately, the life of our four-legged friends is short, so the picture ends with the end of the earthly journey. Gauze… The director could have realized a more rosy ending, but decided to strike the viewer to the very heart.

Iron grip

Iron grip

Director: The Coen Brothers

Genre: Western

Year of issue: 2010

Stunning western in bloody road movie format from brothers Cohen few could leave indifferent. This is a story about a 14 year old girl Mattywho wants the murderer of her own father, and to carry out retribution in the scenery of the Wild West. She attracts the marshal to her side Cogburn and ranger LaBeefe – experienced fighters who are able to find a criminal.

The companions manage to achieve their goal, but still, the ending of the film cannot be called happy. Matty has to amputate her forearm after being bitten by a rattlesnake, and with her savior Cogburn, who provided the girl with the necessary assistance in time, she was never destined to see each other – he dies a few days before their meeting.

The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski

Director: The Coen Brothers

Genre: Comedy

Year of issue: 1998

In the cult comedy of the brothers Cohen there is no place for sadness – a daring and lazy nihilist Lebowski by nickname “Dude” goes through life with a smile and is content with what he has. The character Jeff Bridges have a best friend Walter, which worsens the already dire situation of the protagonist, as well as his bowling partner, Donnie… While watching, there is a feeling that nothing can change in the lives of these people.

However, in the ending, quiet and harmless Donnie dies of a heart attack, frightened of a fight, and the viewer just falls into a sediment. The ending of the film becomes even more depressing when Walter blows his friend’s ashes against the wind.

La La Land

La La Land

Director: Damien Chazelle

Genre: musical

Year of issue: 2016

Before us is a light, romantic musical and it just had to end well. Two young and creative people are chasing a dream, trying to fulfill their potential in a world that is not always friendly. Of course Sebastian and Mia fall in love with each other and the viewer is already anticipating a happy ending.

However, the characters Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, despite tender feelings, are forced to leave in order to get the opportunity to succeed in their careers. It is difficult to say how justified such sacrifices are, but everything looks very touching on the screen.

Hotel “Grand Budapest”


Director: Wes Anderson

Genre: Comedy

Year of issue: 2014

I must say that the creators of the picture managed to attract a whole scattering of famous actors, and Wes Anderson surprised everyone, having managed to combine many different genres in one tape. And yet this film is, first of all, a comedy. The humor shows through in every detail and the characters don’t even have to joke for us to notice.

The deaths of the main characters in the ending looked all the more strange – Gustav was shot and Agatha dies of the flu along with his own son. The gloomy ending of the plot contrasts sharply with the bright period of its development and plunges the viewer into shock.



Director: James Cameron

Genre: melodrama

Year of issue: 1997

Even before the start of the viewing, it was clear that this tape would not have a happy ending, since everyone knows the story. Titanic… However, in the first part of the film Cameron skillfully distracted the viewer from gloomy thoughts, demonstrating a bright love line, rich decoration of the ship and other curious details.

When the Titanic collided with an iceberg, and the catastrophe began, we believed until the last that Jack performed by Leonardo DiCaprio will be able to escape, because his relationship with Rosa should have continued. However, the director did not spare our nerve cells and calmly dealt with the main character.

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