TOP 5 games that infuriate lawyers, feminists and parents

Titles, due to which the courts began (or almost began). These projects are loved by gamers, but at the same time they are vehemently hated by those who like to act as defenders of virtual models.

TOP 5 games that infuriate lawyers, feminists and parents

Even the most beautiful and loved by gamers more than once suffered from attacks by human rights defenders… The thing is that the aspects that attract the audience of the project may seem unacceptable for those who have nothing to do with the virtual world. Accusations in non-tolerance, wrong morality and even in pushing for violence – which game developers have not heard. However, there are 5 games in the history of the gaming industry, who piss off the most lawyers, feminists and parents.

Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human

From the first days after the release, Detroit developed an incredible love with the gaming community and an absolute misunderstanding with human rights activists. They didn’t like everything: how the androids are treated, how the characters were chosen and the overall message of the game.

However, one cannot organize a court on the basis of complaints, a real reason was needed to start the proceedings, and they found him. True, in real life. When from the studio was fired black employee (according to official figures – for theft), the company was instantly accused of racism. In their lawsuits, human rights activists drew parallels between the real life of the company and the game, and demanded not only the protection of the rights of that employee, but also the cancellation of the entire project as a whole. Fortunately, they did not succeed.

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

It is difficult to suspect the game Hellblade in problems with human rights defenders. The main character is decently dressed, the whole world is rather gloomy, the age rating of the project is high, and quite important social topics are also raised. However, here too people found something to be offended, and the case almost went to court.

The main problem was that, according to human rights activists, there were people with schizophrenia are incorrectly shown. Symptoms were not clear. Also, according to lawyers, the disease was romanticized by the game. However, all gamers who were able to pass Hellblade know for sure that they would not want to repeat the fate of the main character.



The GTA games have always been challenging. Too much violence and other sharp content was here: the elimination of unwanted, and theft, and communication with night butterflies. The whole game is literally built on the peculiarities of the criminal world, and Not everyone likes it.

First of all, feminists took up arms against the project, who demanded that all scenes with ladies of easy virtue be removed from the project. They said that it is – objectification of women, because there are no girls among the main characters. Also, GTA 5 had problems with parents, who demanded to ban the game due to the fact that she is not suitable for children… Of course, nothing good came out of their lawsuit, because the game is 18+.

8 high-profile scandals related to GTA 5 due to which the game could be closed

The Witcher 3

The Witcher 3

The third “Witcher” had enough problems in the US information field in the first year after its release. At first, feminists pestered them, saying that women in this game are too ideal and objectified… The second complaint was that the ladies holding any important positions were too few for such a large project.

The game was followed by the accusation that has already become customary for the industry that among the heroes no blacksand it needs to be fixed urgently. Fortunately, the Witcher came out for quite some time, and then the studio managed to get rid of the words that they were trying to maintain historical accuracy and just keep silent. Now they would dragged through the courts for such impudence.

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For a long time, computer games were the prerogative of adults. Strategies like Hero 3 or RPGs like Gothic will never be available to younger gamers due to their high difficulty level. But when the gaming industry got to children (or children before it), the developers began to have real problems. And it is tacitly believed that Minecraft started it all.

Minecraft not meant to be child’s play, however, due to the simple gameplay, low system requirements and a huge number of pirated assemblies, schoolchildren quickly flooded the cube world. Soon they came to YouTube with their letsplay and “funny” videos. However, the real problems for the game began when the parents paid attention.

Minecraft so outraged the older generation that even the BBC wrote educational texts about it. It is difficult to count how many videos about the cubic world were filmed by Russian television, and in Australia it was called a “game that causes addiction” on the profile site for parents.

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