Apex Legends is the latest battle royale game from Respawn Entertainment, the former creators of the Call of Duty series. It is a remake of the online sci-fi shooter Titanfall. While the game is stable overall, some players have been complaining about crashes in Apex Legends when there is no error message. This is difficult to resolve because unlike the common error 104, there is no way to determine the true source of the problem.
Representatives of Respawn Entertainment have not yet commented on this situation, and the discussion on the official forums of the possible reasons for the crashes takes almost 50 pages. It has been noticed that the sudden termination of the game usually occurs on the PC version. Also, apparently, this can happen both during the game and in the menu or when loading.
How to fix crashes without error?
There have already been many discussions on various forums and on social networks, where suggested ways of solving this bug have been proposed. It is worth warning that none of them guarantee success in each specific case, so if you fail with one method, it is worth moving on to others.
Rolling back Windows 10 to version 1703 often helps, as the newest versions, in particular version 1709, are more likely to conflict with Apex Legends.
If the crash ends with a blue screen, perform a complete reinstallation of the video adapter drivers (after removing the current drivers).
Sometimes the crash occurs due to problems with the Origin cache. To clear the Origin cache, create a .bat file, copy this text into it and run the file:
taskkill / F / IM Origin.exe
taskkill / F / IM OriginClientService.exe
taskkill / F / IM OriginWebHelperService.exe
pushd “C: ProgramData Origin ” || exit / B 1
for / D %% D in (“*”) do (
if / I not “%% ~ nxD” == ”LocalContent” rd / S / Q “%% ~ D”
for %% F in (“*”) do (
del “%% ~ F”
rmdir / s / q “C: Users INSERTYOURUSERNAMEHERE AppData Roaming Origin”
rmdir / s / q “C: Users INSERTYOURUSERNAMEHERE AppData Local Origin”
shutdown / r / t 0
Please save all important data before starting, as the last command will restart your computer.
Running Apex Legends in tutorial mode helped some players avoid crashes. You can play for a few seconds in the training mode, and only then move on to the battle.
For distorted audio followed by a hang, check the Windows Volume Mixer, there should only be one active audio device installed.
Sometimes resetting the graphics settings works, as some players experienced a crash due to an error in the settings menu.
If you also experienced frequent crashes in Apex Legends, share in the comments which of the methods helped in your situation.