Windows could not automatically detect proxy settings for this network: reasons, solutions

One of the messages that appears when trying to connect to the Internet reads: “Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network.” The system reports that it cannot connect to the intermediate server and the user must do something. Moreover, the built-in troubleshooting function often does not help in this case. Well, then we will deal with the causes of the error and the ways to correct it on our own.

Reasons for the error

There are quite a few places where failures can occur that prevent further connection to the proxy server. Among them:

  • incorrect proxy server settings;
  • incorrect settings for connecting to a proxy in Windows;
  • An invalid DNS address was specified;
  • failure of the network adapter;
  • system infection with adware or other viruses;
  • driver problem;
  • inappropriate Internet connection settings;
  • worth protection from antivirus, firewall, firewall or VPN.

How to fix connection error?

We will consider in detail all the problems listed above, one of the solutions must help to cope with this breakdown.

Method 1: disable the proxy server

The most common cause of this problem is incorrectly set proxy settings. Most likely you did not plan to use a proxy, but it was accidentally activated after installing some program. Disabling it again would be the most correct solution.

What should be done:

  1. Press the combination Win + R, enter inetcpl.cpl and press Enter.
  2. Go to the “Connections” tab, and then click on the “Network Settings” button.
  3. We check that the box “Use a proxy server for local connections” is unchecked or remove it.

Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network

Method 2: check proxy settings

We recommend leaving the “Detect settings automatically” option for proxy connections in Windows 10. Mostly it works stably and does not cause any particular problems. This error could appear due to the fact that the function is disabled.

How to fix:

  1. Press the Win + I keys and go to “Network and Internet”.
  2. Open the “Proxy” page and activate the first item “Determine parameters automatically”.

Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network

Method 3: configure DNS

It is preferable to set the option to allow Windows to look up DNS settings automatically or get them from your ISP. Manually set values ​​pose the risk that at some point the DNS will not work, as will the Internet itself.

How to set up automatic DNS acquisition:

  1. Click on the Win + R combination and run ncpa.cpl.
  2. Right-click (RMB) on the connection and go to “Properties”.
  3. Double click to open “IP version 4”.
  4. We activate “Obtain DNS server address automatically”.

Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network

Method 4: reboot the network adapter

All computers have their own network adapter required to connect to the network. Restarting it can fix various internet connection problems. To do this, you need to perform the first step from the paragraph above, then click RMB on the active connection and select “Disconnect”. After about a minute, it should be turned on again.

Method 5: scan your PC for ad viruses

Often, adware, which we can also call malicious, automatically turns on a proxy server to display banners in browsers and on the desktop. There may also be other changes to the connection parameters. Thus, one of the mandatory actions to eliminate the error will be to clean the system from viruses. To do this, you should scan Windows with one of the most effective tools for analyzing the operating system. Works well and is distributed for free AdwCleaner

Method 6: install or update the network driver

Windows 10 in 95% of cases can do without manual installation of drivers for new hardware, but still often it is impossible to do without special software for a network card. The easiest way to get things done is to download the driver from the official website of the network equipment manufacturer and install it on the system. However, sometimes it is necessary to additionally remove the previous software. This can be done through the “Device Manager” (can be found through Start) in the “Network adapters” section. Here we can manually reinstall the driver by right-clicking on the required hardware and selecting “Update”.

Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network

Method 7: reset Internet Exporer settings

The built-in browser is directly related to the Internet on the computer. A fairly effective way to fix the error is to reset your connection settings. This will fix various problems in the Internet parameters and does not entail undesirable consequences.


  1. Press Win + R, enter inetcpl.cpl and press enter.
  2. Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “Reset” button.
  3. Click on “Reset” again and restart your computer.

Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network

Method 8: temporarily turn off antivirus, firewall, VPN

If some program was installed before the crash that monitors the connection settings, it may be in it. Also, the reason may be a change in its mode of operation. You should turn off all antiviruses, firewalls and VPNs for a while, and then check if you were able to connect to the Internet. We can also simply enter into safe mode and try to establish a connection with the network. When we find a problematic utility, we should change its mode of operation, create an exception, or simply replace it with another software.

Method 9: reset TCP / IP

We can reset TCP / IP settings using two commands for the console, they should be executed sequentially. First netsh int ip reset, and then – netsh int ipv4 reset

Method 10: run the troubleshooter

The easiest way to enable it is to right-click on the shortcut symbolizing the Internet connection in the tray (next to the Windows time). One of the options would be Troubleshooting.

Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network

Method 11: reset internet settings

When all the methods are left behind, and the error is still haunting, it remains only to reset the network settings. To do this, you should:

  1. Press Win + I and go to “Network and Internet”.
  2. On the first tab “Status”, scroll through the list and click on “Reset network”.
  3. Click on the “Reset Now” button.

Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings for this network

All network adapters will now be removed and reinstalled. This should help get your internet connection back.

We hope that the error “Windows could not automatically detect the proxy settings of this network” is no longer a concern, as we have done everything to make it a thing of the past.

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