Xbox One error 0x87dd001e: causes and solutions

Error 0x87dd001e occurs on Xbox One when the console loses its wireless connection to the Internet. Some users claim that this problem appears completely by accident, others – immediately after starting the console.

Causes of Error 0x87dd001e on Xbox One

Typically, error 0x87dd001e (and others like it) occurs due to issues with Xbox Live services. The servers may be undergoing maintenance or some kind of breakdown. If these are not Xbox Live problems, then most likely something is wrong with the console itself, for example, a software bug or a glitch with the device’s network status.

One way or another, all this can be checked and fixed in very easy steps, which you can familiarize yourself with below.


Method # 1 Checking the Status of Xbox Live Services

The most common cause of error 0x87dd001e is a problem on the Xbox Live side. Maintenance, breakdowns, and even DDoS attacks on Microsoft servers can all cause problems for an Xbox One owner.

Go to this link the Xbox Live Services Status Page. Once on this page, you will immediately understand if everything is working normally or not. If something is wrong with some services, then you have no choice but to wait and hope that Microsoft will resolve the problem soon (or put the console offline).

If everything is fine with all services, then the problem that causes the error 0x87dd001e is on your side.

Method # 2 Putting the console offline

Ok, there really is something wrong with the Xbox Live services – how do I get around error 0x87dd001e during these problems and continue using my Xbox One for its intended purpose? In fact, the solution is simple: just put the console offline.

That’s right, you will lose access to the online functionality of the Xbox One, however, given that the Xbox Live services are not working properly anyway, this is not so important – the error will disappear and you can play offline games without any problems.

So, to take your Xbox One offline, follow these steps:

  • Press the Xbox button in the center of your controller to open the console guide in front of you.
  • then go in the following way:
    • ↓ System
    • ↓ Settings
    • ↓ General
    • ↓ Network settings
  • select the “Disconnect from the network” option.

Use your console and check the status of Xbox Live services from time to time using the link in the first method. As soon as the services are restored, go to the above console settings and select the “Connect to the network” option.

Method # 3 Hardware restart Xbox One

Error 0x87dd001e may be due to a software bug on the Xbox One console. How are such software bugs resolved? That’s right, just restart the device and its operation will return to normal.

However, in the event of this error, it is necessary not only to turn off the console, but to perform a so-called hardware restart. To get started, press and hold the power button on the front of the console for ten seconds until it turns off completely.

Now press the Xbox button on your controller, or the power button on the same front of the console, to turn on your Xbox One. If you see a green logo on the connected screen, then you are done and the hardware restart is complete. Check for error 0x87dd001e.

Method # 4 Login to account after removing the MAC address

It turns out that error 0x87dd001e can appear on Xbox One due to an incorrect MAC address for the console. Simply put, you need to clear the exposed MAC on your Xbox One, restart the device and log back into your account with your data. To clear the MAC address, you need to do the following:

  • press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the guide;
  • then go the following way:
    • ↓ System
    • ↓ Settings
    • ↓ General
    • ↓ Network settings
    • ↓ Additional parameters
  • now select the “Additional MAC-address” item and the “Clear” option;
  • then restart your Xbox One and check for error 0x87dd001.

Method # 5 Resetting Xbox One to Factory Settings

Nothing helped? Well, then it’s time to get down to factory resetting your Xbox One console. Don’t worry, you have the option to save all your games and applications.

To reset your Xbox One, do the following:

  • press the Xbox button on your controller;
  • go this way:
    • ↓ System
    • ↓ Settings
    • ↓ System
    • ↓ Console Details
  • select the “Reset and keep my games and apps” option.

Test your console and see if the issue was resolved. If error 0x87dd001 still pesters you, then instead of the above option, select “Reset settings and delete all content” to completely reset the console and finally solve the problem.

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