3 best clipboard apps for Android

The clipboard is already built into Android, the user can copy the text and drag it to any other place. The essence of this functionality is simple: you need to select all or part of the text, select the “copy” function, then touch another text form and press “paste”. The previously selected text will be transferred to the desired location. This is very convenient, you can organize the distribution of the same type of messages, you can send the printed text in an e-mail, copy information from the Internet for yourself. But the built-in clipboard in the Android operating system cannot be called convenient and functional.

What’s wrong with the standard clipboard?

First of all, the standard clipboard is only capable of storing one record at a time. This suggests that the user can copy one text and move it to another location. If you copy another fragment, the previous one will be deleted. This is not a very convenient solution when you have to work with different texts and collect information from several sources.

The user needs to constantly insert chunks of text into notes or any other text editor, so as not to lose information. If it is convenient to do this on a computer, then on a smartphone you have to constantly minimize and deploy applications, which takes a lot of time. If we are talking about a weak device, then the process of simply collecting information becomes even less convenient, applications are reloaded, information is not saved, etc. That is why it makes sense to think about alternative applications that will replace the standard clipboard. We have selected some of the best apps for you to consider without fail.

Clipboard Manager

Clipboard Manager

It is a simple clipboard with additional features. The application is lightweight, it does not load the system and can work in the background. The main advantage of this program is that it automatically creates notes from the clipboard. As soon as the user has copied the text or a small part of it, the application intercepts the information and creates a note, while requesting permission to save it. You can copy a lot of text, then go to the Clipboard Manager and find everything you need for further work through the search. The main features of the program include the following functions:

  • the ability to set categories for each note for easy search;
  • automatic interception of text and creation of a note;
  • prompt before saving notes;
  • automatic cleaning of the basket;
  • efficient search for notes.

This simple and fast application will significantly increase your productivity with text on your Android device.



This is a pretty powerful clipboard tool. After installing the application, you must grant it all the requested permissions. The program works in the background and saves absolutely all information that the user copies to the clipboard. It combines information on its own, creates handy notes, offers many categories for sorting and searching. The copied material can be edited, moved, copied again. The main features of the application can be distinguished:

  • Automatic saving of the entire exchange history. All information remains in the smartphone, it is impossible to lose something through carelessness.
  • Create notes and convenient work with them. The program creates notes by date and user, so it is very convenient to work with them. Also, notes can store data regarding the source from which this information was copied.
  • Easy access to notes. To open the copied data, you can use the notification panel, this significantly saves time while working with a large amount of information.

After the first launch, the application will conduct a detailed instruction for the new user and show all its capabilities. Even a beginner will be able to quickly figure out everything and effectively use all the functionality of the application.

Clip Stack

Clip Stack

A very popular application for extending the standard clipboard in the Android system. The advantage of this application is that it is completely free. There are no annoying ads, no unnecessary functions, only what really helps to work. The features of the application include the following:

  • attractive design;
  • lack of advertising;
  • automatic storage of all information from the clipboard;
  • you can set a time limit for storing certain notes;
  • convenient text search;
  • advanced options for editing copied material;
  • there are convenient categories for storing and organizing information;
  • batch work with texts, you can combine them, delete them, send them to other applications;
  • quick access to the latest notes from the notification curtain;
  • the ability to lock the application with a code or fingerprint.

These and other applications allow you to work more efficiently with the standard clipboard. Nothing changes for the user, he selects a piece of text, clicks “copy”, after which a note is already formed from this information. If you often have to copy and work with text, then the standard clipboard will not work, you need a more functional replacement. The 3 apps listed above are best suited for this.

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