5 most hated videos on YouTube

Youtube is a place to showcase your talent through videos. In May 2016, an unpredictable little video on youtube went viral. The video was about a woman who bought a Chewbacca mask and filmed herself trying for the first time. However, not everyone liked the video, it drew over 3,500 reviews from members of the youtube community. This raises a new question: what are the most hated videos on youtube? Let’s find out:

Most hated videos on Youtube

There are many reasons not to like a video on Youtube. The main reason is obvious: users don’t like video content, actor or script, etc.

3500 dislikes on the Chewbacca Mom video is nothing compared to other videos that have over a million dislikes which is way more than what they usually get. Let’s see some of the most hated videos on Youtube.

1. Baby, by Justin Bieber | 8 million + dislikes

As we’ve talked about before, YouTube has given everyone the chance to represent themselves and showcase their talent. Justin Beiber is one of the first great talents who started their professional career by posting videos on Youtube. But who thought their first video would become one of the least popular videos on YouTube? Statisticians have to say: the video has been viewed over 1.3 billion times worldwide and dislikes are over two million.

2. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Reveal Trailer | 3 million people dislike

Call Of Duty: The popular game among PC gamers received over 2.5 million dislikes on its latest Reveal trailer. That’s why we’ve added the Most Hated Videos on YouTube to our list. Experts say it’s because the Activision company exceeded player demands and needed to reconnect with its fan base. This is the reason why their fans smashed the disgust button as soon as the trailer for their new game went public. Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg believes the reason for so much disgust is due to the game’s change of direction in the future.

3. Friday by Rebecca Black | 3 million + don’t like

Rebecca had her heyday with her song Friday, which had 2.1 million disappointments due to the bad lyrics and bad songwriting. That’s why we’ve added the Most Hated YouTube Videos to our list. Audiences say the lyrics were bad, the whole video song sounded amateurish and the weird melody that entered people’s heads which is why it became so popular in the YouTube era. It also reserves space on one of the worst music videos on the internet.

4. Gangnam Style by Psy | 1 million does not like

You must have heard of this one before. This is the famous song “Oppa Gangnam Style” which went viral in 2012. You should be surprised when we tell you that their video has attracted over 1.5 million people, which brings it back to the most popular videos. hated on Youtube. However, when the video went viral, it broke all-time records, and the world went crazy for it.

5. Strong by Rick Perry | 863k dislikes

Ahead of the 2012 US presidential election, Texas Gov. Rick Perry posted an ad on Youtube that ridiculously flipped. The video itself has sparked much controversial discussion with over 838,000 global posts.

So these are the 5 most hated videos on youtube. Tell us how many of you have already watched them. If you know of any other videos that have more dislikes than these videos, let us know and we’ll be happy to add it here. Until then have a wonderful day.

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