In The Last of Us 2, players are dealt with a variety of weapons and equipment. All this “goodness” is scattered throughout the world of the game and you can only get access to it during the passage of certain stages of the plot. Simply put, you will not be able to collect all the “equipment” literally from the very beginning.
In this guide, we will tell you where to find absolutely every weapon, explosive and holster, not only for Ellie, but also for Abby. Go!
Pump action shotgun
Seattle. Day 1. City center.
Head towards the 6th Avenue and James Street intersection. In this place you will see the bank building – go inside. Attention: in the bank you will have to deal with a bunch of infected, including runners and even clickers. Be extremely careful! Having dealt with opponents, go to the bank vault. Open the vault using the combination “6 0 2 3 0 6”. Inside the vault, you can find not only the pump action shotgun, but also Nathan Drake’s ring from the Uncharted series of games.
Deafening bomb
Seattle. Day 1. City center.
You are interested in the Federal Agency for Natural Disaster Management (FERDA) building. You will stumble upon this building while looking for fuel. Find the “Fuel Distribution” sign and go through the nearest gate, then immediately (!) Turn right. We rise along the stairs to the watchtower and take away the stunning bomb. Once you do this, the game will allow you to create such bombs from the materials available.
Holster for short-barreled weapons
Seattle. Day 1. City center.
The goal is the “Barco” pet shop. Head north of the court until you reach a coffee shop. On the map, by the way, this establishment is indicated by an icon in the form of a knife and a fork. We beat the window of the coffee shop and we make our way inside, after which we go to the back of the building. At this moment, the infected should attack you. After killing this poor fellow, you will find the key. Next, Ellie will mark the “Barco” pet store on her map. Get there and go inside the pet store using the key you found earlier. The handgun holster will be on the counter.
Booby trap
Seattle. Day 1. Capitol Hill.
After escaping from the Wolves and reaching the motel, pay attention to the healthy trash can on your right. Use this tank (fortunately, the one on wheels) to climb on it into the window of the apartment. Find the bedroom. The booby trap will lie on the bed. Of course, after finding this equipment, you can craft it yourself in the future.
Holster for long-barreled weapons
Seattle. Day 1. Hillcrest.
So, you fought off the bloodhounds and ended up on the street. Immediately start going to the left and go until you run into the garage. Move aside the trash can to access the door. Here the heroine will be attacked by three enemies. As soon as you deal with the opponents, open the safe using the combination 30-82-65. Where can I get the combination itself? At the back of a bar across the street.
Seattle. Day 1. Hillcrest.
At the end of Hillcrest, you will engage in a fight with a special Infected, who, by the way, has a bow. This weapon is given to you by the game itself, whether you like it or not. The bow cannot be missed like other equipment.
Tube bomb
Seattle. Day 1. Hiking.
When you are in the metal shop, Manny will note that the cart contains all the necessary materials in order to build the so-called tubular bomb. As with the bow, the game itself will give you this equipment and a recipe for it.
Hunting pistol
Seattle. Day 1. Hiking.
As soon as you leave the boatyard, get off the roof and take a close look. Look for a small building next to the larger one. Inside the small structure is a note that hints that the combination from the safe is somehow related to the numbers on the winning ticket. 17—38—07 is the number of the winning ticket and, accordingly, the combination from the safe, which is located in a large building. Go there, open the safe and take the hunting pistol. In addition, a coin can be found in the safe – one of the collectibles in The Last of Us 2.
Seattle. Day 1. Behind enemy lines.
Once in the alley, look out on the right side of the antique shop. You can only get into this structure through the Ruby Dragon shop on the left. Take the stairs there (be careful: clickers!) And jump over to the side of the antique shop. Once in the shop, deal with the runner, and then go behind the counter with the cash register. Here you will find the required shotgun. It’s funny, as soon as you grab the BOOM stick, a couple more runners will swoop down on you. That is to say, you can try out a new gun on the spot.
Holster for short-barreled weapons
Seattle. Day 1. Enemy territory.
You received a shotgun and are near the Seraphite wagon – move towards the structure on the right. Go to the back of the building and grab the short-barreled holster from the table.
Holster for long-barreled weapons
Seattle. Day 1. Shore.
Once Lev and Yara are safe (as much as possible in a zombie apocalypse environment), make your way through the next building. The holster for long-barreled weapons will lie in the room where you can jump out the window.
Seattle. Day 1. Shore.
There is no need to bother at all here: the game will automatically give you a crossbow in one of the cutscenes.
Seattle. Day 2. Descent.
You fell off the Sky Bridge. Head to the bottom of the hotel to find a couch with a flamethrower on it. It is worth noting that this part of the game is kind of random, because some players find the flamethrower not on the couch, but in the bathroom. In general, do not be alarmed that the “firebeak” will lie somewhere else.
Silenced submachine gun
Santa Barbara. Inland.
The submachine gun is the only weapon in the entire game that the player cannot upgrade. As with the bow and crossbow, the submachine gun is given to you by the game itself, and therefore you cannot miss it.