A guide to bathing Arthur and the horse in Red Dead Redemption 2

In most games with RPG elements, bathing is completely absent or has no practical benefit. Characters do not react to the character’s purity score in any way. This does not apply to Red Dead Redemption 2, as bathing is necessary here. Of course, you can do without it, but there will be certain consequences.

If Arthur has not taken a bath for a long time, homeless people can molest him on the streets. Some intelligent characters, on the contrary, refuse to conduct a dialogue because of the unpleasant smell. Reactions to dirty clothes are fun, but you still want to have a clean character.

Another benefit of taking a bath is autosave. The entire bathing procedure in Red Dead Redemption 2 is presented in the form of a mini-game. You can go through it or use the services of other characters at the hotels, which for a fee will do all the work on their own.

How to take a bath with Arthur?

There are 2 ways to cleanse the main character:

  1. Take a bath. The most affordable and simple method to get rid of an unpleasant odor. You can find a bathroom in any city with a hotel. True, you will have to part with a small amount for a motel room. In return, the owner gives access to a room with a private bathroom. Finding the restroom is easy using the pointer on the minimap. A yellow bath icon appears here. Near the bath you need to confirm the action and go through a small game.
  2. Use the services of a “special” person. The game has characters who can wash Arthur without player intervention. Their services cost a little, but you don’t have to waste time on a mini-game. They can usually be found near a hotel room.

How to redeem a horse?

Horses also tend to get dirty while traveling the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. There are three ways to clean them:

  1. Taking a ride on shallow bodies of water is the easiest way, but not always available. The horse is automatically cleared when it is ridden on shallow lakes or across a river.
  2. Manually with a brush. It is enough to stop anywhere and order the horse to stand still with the L button. You must first get off the horse. Now use the dpad button to thoroughly clear the horse.
  3. Put the horse in good hands. At every stable in the city there is a groom who provides horse care services. You will have to fork out a little, but the amount will not hit your pocket.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The specific bathing method will have to be chosen according to the situation.

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