Best overclocking software for Intel processors

Over time, computer users begin to realize one unpleasant fact: the performance of their Intel processor is no longer sufficient to perform the necessary tasks. What to do in this case? And in that case, you can resort to good old overclocking. Let’s talk about what is CPU overclocking.

What is CPU Overclocking?

Let’s see what processor overclocking means. Overclocking a processor means increasing its clock frequency. The processor clock speed is the number of cycles (or operations) performed in one second. Simply put, the higher the clock speed, the better the performance of the processor.

However, this is not always true, since you also need to take into account some processor parameters, for example, different cache levels, the presence of certain program code instructions, and the like. However, today we will not touch on this topic, but focus directly on the process of overclocking the CPU, or more precisely, Intel processors.

Ok, increasing the clock frequency will slightly increase the processor’s performance, but you shouldn’t forget about the negative aspects of this procedure. Overclocking a processor implies an increase in operating temperature, power consumption and a decrease in its life, i.e. increased CPU wear.

What do you need to overclock an Intel processor?

In fact, you don’t need anything special to overclock Intel processors (as well as processors from other manufacturers). First, you need to find out if your cooling system (CPU cooler) can handle overclocking, as the temperature will definitely rise, and, in some cases, quite significantly.

If you have experienced problems with the operating temperature and at the nominal frequencies, then you need to think about buying a new cooling system for the processor, and then just try to overclock it. Secondly, you definitely need to update your motherboard’s BIOS / UEFI firmware. Necessarily! Third, you must have a reliable power supply at your disposal. Don’t forget that overclocking will increase power consumption!

Fourth, you need to know in advance how much overclocking potential your Intel processor has. Some processors can chase very well, while others can hardly chase. For example, Intel processors of the K-line will succumb to good overclocking. Some old Intel Core 2 Quad or Core i3 / 5/7 processors can hardly be overclocked at all. Therefore, do a little research before attempting this venture. She might not be worth it.

Best Intel CPU Overclocking Software

The note: We strongly recommend that you use all the programs below only for experienced users who know what they are doing, as without some knowledge of this topic there is a high chance of damaging the CPU.


SetFSB is perhaps one of the easiest (though they are all pretty simple) to use the software on this list. With this program, you can speed up your process by moving a couple of sliders. Yes, it’s that simple. Among other things, after changing the CPU frequency, you don’t even need to restart your computer.

It should be noted that both users of old Intel processors and new high-performance models can use the functionality of this program. However, there is one unpleasant moment: SetFSB does not support every motherboard. So first you need to find out on the developer’s official website if SetFSB supports your motherboard.

To overclock the processor via SetFSB, you need to do the following:

  • run the program;
  • from the drop-down menu “Clock Generator” select the model of the clock generator installed on your motherboard;
  • click on the “Get FSB” button, after which the frequency of your Front Side Bus and CPU will appear in the program window;
  • then you will need to gradually increase the frequency of the system bus and monitor the stability of the system and the temperature of the processor;
  • once you find the value you want, click on the Set FSB button.

This is how the processor is overclocked through the SetFSB program. Of course, you will need to sit for a while, observe the stability of the computer, the frequency of the processor, its temperature, etc. etc. Perhaps it is worth mentioning that the FSB values ​​set in the utility will be reset to the default ones as soon as you restart the computer, i.e. you will have to run SetFSB each time and set the desired parameters.


In fact, CPUFSB is not a complete program, but a CPU overclocking module found in software such as CPUCool. CPUFSB works in about the same way as the program from the previous paragraph. Among other things, it is worth mentioning one pleasant fact: CPUFSB is localized into Russian, which is good news.

In CPUFSB, overclocking will also require increasing the system bus frequency, which is quite obvious from the name of this module. So, do the following:

  • open CPUFSB;
  • then select the brand (PLL) and model of your clock generator (PLL type) in the corresponding items;
  • click on the “Get frequency” button, after which the frequencies of your CPU and the system bus will appear in the program window;
  • increase the frequency of your processor until you reach a satisfactory value, and then click on the “Set frequency” button;

Watch the processor and its temperature in the same way while increasing the frequency. Unfortunately, as in the previous program, the settings are saved only until the next reboot of the PC.


And the last program on our list for overclocking Intel processors is SoftFSB. As the name implies, this program also overclocks the processor by increasing the system bus frequency and using it is just as easy as other programs.

However, it is still worth mentioning two points about her. First, SoftFSB is free software, while the other two are not. Secondly, unfortunately, the author of the program has ceased to support his project, and therefore the launch on modern computers cannot be guaranteed.

To overclock the CPU with SoftFSB, do the following:

  • run the program;
  • select your motherboard and clock generator using the drop-down menus;
  • click on the “GET FSB” button so that the program can display the current frequency of your CPU and FSB;
  • move the slider in the center and watch the processor;
  • as soon as you reach the desired value, press the “SET FSB” button.

That’s right, the overclocking settings will be reset in the same way as soon as you restart your computer. Unfortunately, this is how all the programs on the list work. However, you can cheat a little by using autoload: this way the selected overclocking program will run simultaneously with your computer.


In this article, we showed you how to overclock Intel processors with a few simple programs. With their help, you do not have to flatter in the BIOS of your motherboard and tinker with the settings there. However, there are some nuances here too, for example, many overclocking pros pretty criticize overclocking Intel processors via the bus, claiming that in this way you can achieve only insignificant results or achieve absolutely nothing at all. You will need to do some research on your processor and see if it is worth overclocking this way.

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