call the wrong place or kick a chicken

How can you move away to another world, simply deciding to relax with a lady or by making a random call? The developers know, because they are the ones who put the players and their characters in these awkward situations. We share the best examples of the strange and senseless deaths of protagonists in games.

Top 5 dumbest ways to die in games: call the wrong place or kick a chicken

In video games, characters often die: some for the sake of the plot, and some because of the ineptitude of the gamer himself. However, sometimes you can move away to another world in the most unexpected place and under absolutely shocking circumstances… Developers love to hide Easter eggs in their projects, and we will gladly share with you the top five.

Hitman: Blood Money

Hitman: Blood Money

The pratogonist has a non-standard way to leave the world of the living in Hitman: Blood Money. In the process of completing the quest at the party Agent 47 meet a charming lady, which will call the hero into a separate room, hinting at proximity. And this practically happens, but only if Hitman turns his back on her – and she will send him to the forefathers.

As it turned out, the main character fell into the clutches to the same killerlike himself. A very ridiculous ending for a real professional, and a great ending for the edification of those who do not play their character, but simply choose all the available options.

TOP 5 games in the Hitman series



Even the largest open world has its boundaries. So in Risen, the developers are faced with the fact that the territories available for study need to be somehow limited. They didn’t want to create an invisible wallbecause it interferes with the immersion, so they came up with this original move and a special killer Easter egg.

If the hero ran to the edge of the map and stubbornly walked or swam further, attacked by a terrible black and green monster with thorns and a giant mouth. The hero was swallowed in an instant, and the game offered to load from the nearest save.

The darkness

The darkness

In The Darkness, the player had many ways to send his hero to the forefathers, but one of them is striking in its creativity. There are many public telephones and numbers scattered around the world that you can call. If a persistently ring out all that come to hand, you can call a mysterious person who calls himself keeper of secrets… With a couple of dozen more calls and several conversations with him, and the hero will be told about freemasons, aliens and even about the true fate of Elvis Presley. However, someone will rudely interrupt the last conversation, and the narrator will disappear forever.

If you continue to call and after that, then a voice from the hell will inform you that the next attempt will be the last… The most persistent and fearless players who make this challenge will make sure that the interlocutor was not joking – the protagonist will die on the spot.

CS: Condition Zero

CS: Condition Zero

All CS fans know that Condition Zero had a lot of interesting Easter eggs and references. However, one of them, the strangest, did not come across to every gamer. If in the process of passing shoot the american flag, even by accident, the character died instantly.

It is not clear why this was done: to show respect for the state symbol, or just to amuse the players, but those who got to this point by accident have long remembered the developers’ joke.

The legend of zelda

The legend of zelda

One of the most iconic deadly Easter eggs in video game history is hidden away in the Legend of Zelda franchise. Regardless of which part you play, by no means you can’t kick chickens! If the main character decides on this, then he instantly will be attacked by a whole flock of angry birds

There is no chance to escape from the chickens avenging their sister. Better to just give up, come to terms with fate and continue the game from the last save. And do not offend the unfortunate birds anymore.

Fun Fact: In Skyrim, the brutal punishment for killing a chicken is a small nod to Zelda with her furious feathered attacks.

For all fans of the secret in games, we have interesting collection of secrets, easter eggs, references and secrets:

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