Error e-82000000 on PS4: how to fix

Unfortunately, even console users are not immune to some rather unpleasant problems, for example, one of such problems is the e-82000000 error on PS4, which you may encounter during the launch of the game.

On the official Sony website, in the reference library, it is indicated that the e-82000000 error on PS4 can appear if an attempt was made to launch a game that required an update for itself. It is worth saying that in many cases this is true, but exceptions can be found on the net.

For example, the e-82000000 error could be observed in the game NBA 2K17, which players could easily launch and even play it, but when trying to access the network aspects of the game, the specified error occurred.

Not launching games on your PS4 is a shame, given that this is what the console was designed for. However, when error e-82000000 appears on PS4, don’t worry, as there are a number of solutions that can fix this unpleasant situation. In fact, this error is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.


Fixing error e-82000000 on Playstation 4

Before we rush to fix the error, it’s worth mentioning that Sony is aware of this error (reference, remember?), And they shared with users a couple of tips that may well help in solving the e-82000000 error on PS4.

First of all, you should definitely try to use the very step when solving software problems: restarting the game. So, if you set off in search of answers immediately after the e-82000000 error appeared, then most likely, “the one” with the specified code is still open on your PS4. We will now close this game and launch it again.

Grab your controller and return to the PS4 system home screen. Next, click on the button on the gamepad Option(Option) and select “Close Application” from the menu. Great, we closed the game. Now launch your desired game again (whether from the library or from the home screen). Oftentimes, restarting the game will get rid of the e-82000000 error on PS4, but it doesn’t always help.

Let’s now turn to another way to fix the error: updating the game. Yes, exactly an update. One of the most common causes of this error is when users are launching a game that needs a recently released update.

Luckily, you can manually check for an update for the game, after which the PS4 will automatically download it for your game and install it. It’s that simple. First, you need to find the game you need (no matter where on PS4) and click on the button Optionand then select the “Check for Updates” option. Then the console will do everything by itself, if any update has been released for your game.

Try logging into the game again and see if anything has changed. Is the error e-82000000 still on PS4? If so, it’s a shame, as we’re moving on to tips that only help in very rare cases.

So, if you are still struggling with error e-82000000 on PS4, then we can recommend the following for you:

  • Reconnecting PS4 to the network.
  • Restart PS4.
  • Reconstruction of the console database via Safe Mode.
  • Reinstalling the game.
  • Initializing PS4.

We hope this article helped you solve the error e-82000000 on PS4, and you were still able to launch the game you want.

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