How do I disable mouse acceleration in Fallout 76 PC?

The first experience of using Fallout 76 for PC players turns out to be unpleasant. The lag of the mouse immediately catches the eye, it moves in jerks. This is far from the only game with a similar problem. In other games, everything is solved in a few clicks – removed the acceleration from the mouse in the game window and the cursor began to work correctly. In the case of Fallout 76, the procedure is somewhat more complicated, but it still remains simple to perform.

How to fix mouse lag in Fallout 76: disabling acceleration?

In total, there are 2 reasons that the mouse lags and moves extremely slowly across the screen during the game. True, none of the problems can be fixed through the game settings. We’ll have to go to the operating system settings. To do this, you need to close the window with the game.

How to turn off Vsync in Fallout 76?

Vertical sync usually has a positive effect on PC and gaming performance, but not in the case of Fallout 76. Fallout 76 will have to be turned off to play properly. Bethesda took the path of forced activation of the vsync function during the game, and did not provide options for changing the behavior. In practice, it turns out that the game itself connects this function, but does not work with it correctly. We’ll have to go one level down to prevent the launch of vertical sync.

Similar settings are found in the Nvidia or AMD control panel. From this panel, you can change the settings for all applications in the system or one specific one. If you don’t want to harm the work of other games, here you can change the settings only for Fallout 76.

What should be done:

  1. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”. You should do the same if you have a Radeon card.
  2. You need to go to the section “Managing 3D parameters”.
  3. Then you should go to the tab “Software settings”.
  4. In the “Select a program to configure” item, you should examine the drop-down list and select Fallout 76. If the game is not in the list, you should click on the “Add” button and specify the path to the fallout76.exe executable file.
  5. After selecting the program, you need to scroll down the list of parameters and disable the “Vertical sync pulse”.

With the help of the listed actions, the path of the mouse cursor will be correct, smooth, and most importantly, it will become responsive.

How to set up FPS in Fallout 76?

Frequent screen tearing can be another problem. Excessive fps is a common cause of the problem. The best way out of the situation is to fix the frame rate by setting a certain limit. The best results are shown by specifying the limit at 59 fps.

To set up FPS, you need:

  1. Download Rivatuner software from official site and adjust the FPS limit at 59 frames per second.
  2. Go to the settings of the “Vertical sync pulse” by analogy in the previous chapter, but specify instead of “Off.” – “Fast”.

Turn off mouse acceleration

After disabling Vsync, it’s time to turn off mouse acceleration.

How to disable acceleration:

  1. Go along the path C: Users User Documents My Games Fallout 76.
  2. Create a text file in the final directory and name it Fallout76Custom.ini.
  3. In the created file you need to write the line [Controls], and below it – bMouseAcceleration = 0.

The last action to disable acceleration may not be useful, but just in case it is better to perform it. Most of the players are helped by the first 2 methods. The last option is a “control shot” to surely remove the problem from your favorite game.

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