How do I find out the DirectX version on Windows?

In some situations, Windows users may need to know which version of DirectX they have. Immediately it is worth replacing that it is extremely easy to find out such information – and today we will demonstrate this to you. So, the easiest way to find out the DirectX version is with the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. To open this system element, you need to do the following:

  • press the key combination Windows + R;
  • enter the value in the empty line of the utility dxdiag;
  • click Enter

This will open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window. In the tab System you can find the line DirectX version, which will indicate the DX version used when running the Windows GUI. Different versions of the operating system use a different version of DirectX. For example, Windows 7 will list DirectX 11, and Windows XP – DirectX 9, and Windows 10 has been using DirectX 12 for quite some time.

Do not confuse the DirectX used by the system and the one supported by your graphics card. If you want to check which version of DirectX your graphics accelerator supports, you need to go to the tab Screen and pay attention to the line DDI for Direct3D(or just find out about it on the official website of the graphics chip manufacturer, which is often even faster and easier).

As a rule, users try to find this type of information due to the fact that they encountered a corresponding error when launching an application, for example, a video game. The solution to such problems depends solely on the error itself. If the error indicates a missing component, for example, d3dx9_42.dll, then you just need to install the missing DirectX libraries from the redistributable package to the system, which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

However, if the error indicates that the application requires support for one or another DirectX, then, often, this indicates that your video card does not have support for the requested DirectX. This problem is solved solely by replacing the video card – and nothing else. However, there are cases when DirectX support for the required version is present, but the application refuses to start, but they require separate consideration.

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