How to connect mouse and keyboard to Sony PlayStation 4?

As we can know, mouse and keyboard are input devices that are usually used for personal computers (this also includes laptops). But did you know that you can connect a mouse and keyboard to your Playstation 4 console? Not many people think about it, but it really is possible.

How to connect mouse and keyboard to PS4?

Of course, it is worth mentioning that not all games will work with input device data “out of the box” – this is, after all, a console sharpened for a DualShock 4 controller. Nevertheless, some PS4 games play well with a keyboard mouse, and if you get hold of special adapter / converter, then everything will work.

Connecting a wired mouse and keyboard to the PS4

Many mice and keyboards do not require any special actions when connected to the PS4 – just plug them into USB ports and launch the desired toy. Simply put, everything is exactly the same as with connecting the most ordinary DualShock 4 via a wire.

  1. Log into your PSN account on PS4;
  2. connect a mouse and keyboard to the USB ports of the console;
  3. wait about five seconds, after which you will see a message about successful connection.

Then you can play video games on your PS4, but only this time with the participation of a mouse and keyboard. If you’ve never played with such input devices (don’t be surprised, there are such people), then you will need some time to get used to the controls.

Connecting a wireless mouse and keyboard to the PS4

Connecting wireless devices can get a little tricky. Nevertheless, even the “greenest” console manager will deal with the process. The wireless mouse and keyboard connects to the console either with a dedicated USB dongle or via Bluetooth.

In the first case, it is enough to insert the dongle into the PS4, turn on the devices and after 30 seconds the console will detect them without any problems – a corresponding message will appear on the connected screen. With a mouse and keyboard connected via Bluetooth, you have to tinker a little.

First, activate pairing mode on your mouse / keyboard so the PS4 can connect to them. Press the PS button on your controller. Then press up on the D-pad and open Settings → Devices → Bluetooth Devices. Select the required devices from the list for the console to connect to them.

That’s it, you’re ready to use your mouse and keyboard on your PS4. It’s really that simple.

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