When using group chat in Xbox one you may encounter an error 0x807a1007… This error will prevent you from using chat on the console. It may appear suddenly when you open your friends list.
There are several methods to solve this problem. So let’s move on to them.
Method # 1 Change your location
This may be a temporary solution, however it should work. Do the following:
- Go to “Settings ”…
- Select “System”…
- Now in “Language and location “…
- Choose a new location.
- Restart your console.
These actions were supposed to save you from the error. 0x807a1007… If not, then move on to the next method.
Method # 2 Enable energy-saving mode
It may sound rather strange, but enabling the power saving option will help you get rid of this problem. To do this, do the following:
- Go to “Settings ”…
- Press “Power and start-up ”…
- Now in “Diet”…
- Switch the power supply to conserve power.
Method # 3 Reset Console Settings
Perhaps it is worth using this only if the two previous methods did not help. Save all your games to an external hard drive, otherwise you will have to download them again.
In order to reset, follow this path:
- “Settings”
- “All settings”
- “System”
- “Console information and updates”
- “Restore factory settings”.
After this error 0x807a1007 is unlikely to bother you again.