Error 0x87e00005 occurs for Xbox One users at the moment when they try to install a game from disc or download a game that has already been purchased. Some users claim that the error does not appear with all, but only with certain games. In rare cases, the error may appear when launching games located on the hard / SSD drive of the console.
Reasons for the appearance of 0x87e00005
Typically, this error occurs for the following reasons:
- Xbox Live servers are not functioning correctly;
- limited network connection on the console;
- problems with the Xbox One firmware;
- a bug with the configuration of the DNS address;
- corrupted Xbox One system files.
Solutions for error 0x87e00005
Method # 1 Checking Xbox Live Servers
The very first thing you need to do is check if the Xbox Live servers are working properly. From time to time, these servers may stop working due to breakdowns or be under maintenance. Go to following link and see how Xbox Live is doing. If you see that all lines are green, the problem is not with the servers.
If any of the services are experiencing problems and are colored red, this is your reason behind error 0x87e00005. In this case, you just need to wait while Microsoft employees fix the problem on their side. This can take from an hour to a whole day. However, the latter is very rare.
Method # 2 Using offline mode (if you have a game)
Some users claim that they managed to get rid of error 0x87e00005 by running the game they want offline. Of course, this approach can hardly be called a real solution, because you lose access to all network functionality, but in this way you can bypass the error and start the game.
Follow these steps to take your Xbox One console offline:
- press the “X” button on your controller;
- select “System” and go to the “Settings” console;
- then go through the path “Network → Network settings”;
- click on the item “Disconnect from the network”.
After disconnecting from the Internet, try launching the toy you want.
Method # 3 Disabling and enabling the console
To get rid of error 0x87e00005, you can try to completely disable your console and then re-enable it. The simple procedure below will allow the power capacitors to discharge, which will fix most software problems on the console. Our mistake today is probably this. Do the following:
- press and hold the power button on the front of the console for 10 seconds;
- Once the LED stops flashing, release the power button and press it again to turn on the console.
If you see a green logo on the screen, everything was done correctly. Check for error 0x87e00005.
Method # 4 Change the DNS address on the console
From time to time, the default DNS in the Xbox One settings starts to fail. In this case, you can try using public DNS addresses and see what happens. Do the following:
- press the center button on your controller to open the guide;
- go to “System → Settings”;
- then go to the “Network” section and the “Network Settings” subsection;
- click on the “Advanced options” item;
- go to “DNS Settings”;
- select the “Manual” item;
- for “Primary DNS server” set the value “”, and for “Secondary DNS server” – “”;
- close the settings.
Now check if error 0x87e00005 is gone on Xbox One.
Method # 5 Resetting your Xbox One console
If none of the above methods helped you, then you can try resetting your console settings. This solution often fixes various bugs and errors that occur in the operation of the Xbox One OS. Do the following:
- go to “System → Settings → System → Console Information”;
- click on the item “Reset, keeping my games and applications”;
- wait for the end of the reset procedure.
After resetting the console, the error 0x87e00005 should definitely go away.