KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED is a blue screen of death denoted by code 0x0000001E. This BSoD can be stumbled upon, as a rule, on Windows 10 and often occurs immediately after upgrading from older versions of Windows, for example, Windows 7 or Windows 8 / 8.1.
Each time KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED appears, users have to restart their computer, which can potentially lead to the loss of critical data and files. In general, a very unpleasant BSoD, which we will try to “cure” with you today.
The blue screen of death KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED indicates that a kernel mode program threw an exception that the exception handler was unable to recognize. If you try to find some information about this problem on the Internet, you will stumble upon many discussions in various forums.
So, according to Windows experts, there are many reasons for KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED to occur: corrupted system files, outdated drivers, third-party software, malware, and more.
Unlucky to fall prey to this blue screen of death? Let’s then try to get rid of it …
Solution # 1 Disable / remove antivirus
Unfortunately, in some cases the appearance of this BSoD is provoked by the antivirus installed on the user’s system. To check this, you just need to turn off your antivirus and test the operation of Windows 10. If BSoD stopped showing its ugly face in front of you, then it really was antivirus.
In this case, you will need to remove the installed antivirus, and then, if desired, replace it with something else or start using the functionality of Windows Defender. As a rule, this or that antivirus can be removed from Programs and Features in Control Panel.
Solution # 2 Rename the file
This is a rather strange decision, but some users claim that they managed to get rid of KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED by … renaming. If you encounter this BSoD immediately after opening the file, then try renaming it and see if you can avoid the problem.
Solution # 3 Updating drivers
Blue screens of death quite often occur due to incorrectly working or outdated drivers. This can be fixed with a rudimentary driver update via Device Manager. Press Windows + X on your keyboard and select Device Manager.
You will see a window with all the hardware available on the computer. Look at the list to see if there are any yellow exclamation marks. If you find such an icon near a device, then right-click on it and select “Update driver”. Next, click on the option “Search automatically for updated drivers” and follow the instructions on the screen.
We also strongly recommend that you update the drivers for your video, sound card, keyboard and mouse, speakers, and other peripherals. Do this even if there is no yellow exclamation mark next to them. For a video card, you can even try to reinstall the driver, which is done through the same Device Manager (we completely remove and install the fresh driver from the GPU manufacturer’s website).
Solution # 4 Checking the disk for file system errors
The blue screen of death may have occurred on your computer due to disk issues. We recommend that you use the services of a system tool such as CHKDSK (check disk), which will check your disk file system for errors and will try to fix them.
Press on the Windows keyboard + X and select “Command Prompt (Administrator)” from the list. In the window that appears, write the command chkdsk / f / r / x and press Enter. After that, you need to press the key Y on the keyboard in order to agree to check the disk the next time the computer boots. Now restart your PC and wait for CHKDSK to finish working.
Once you log into Windows 10, test the system and see if KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED occurs.
Solution # 5 Recovering system files
A similar problem could be the result of damaged Windows 10 system files. Fortunately, you can try to fix this using the System File Checker (SFC). Press the combination Windows + X and select “Command Prompt (Admin)”. Write the command sfc / scannow and press Enter.
SFC will scan your Windows 10 system files and try to repair any damage it finds. When the tool finishes, restart your computer and check if the blue screen of death KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED appears anymore.