Slasher Is a special subgenre of horror films that has experienced a real renaissance in recent years. The viewer does not get tired of watching the difficult work of maniacs, sympathizes with their victims, and also wonders who will survive from the whole company. But which franchises of this genre are considered truly iconic? And why does the public love them so much?
The franchise began long ago 1992 year, when Bernard Rose made the first film. Then 2 more sequels were released, which turned out to be much worse, and it was decided to curtail the project. It is all the more interesting that on August 2021 a relaunch of the film is planned under the guidance of an aspiring director, Nia DaCosts, and the script is handled by Jordan Peele… It is hoped that the creators of the picture know what they are doing and will not repeat the mistakes of their predecessors.
Candyman is the spirit of a black guy who was very cruel in life. He comes into our world through mirrors and masterfully wields a metal hook. To call Candymana, it is enough to pronounce his name several times, looking into your reflection.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
One of the cult films that had a strong influence on the development of the genre as a whole. Painting “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” saw the light in 1974 year and managed to really surprise the viewer. However, the sequels that followed were much weaker. Already in the new century, several remakes were released, which also did not gain popularity. On the 2021 year A relaunch of the original film is planned and it looks like this is the last chance for the franchise to get back on track.
The main villain of the film is Leather Face… The guy shows symptoms of serious mental disorders, however, against the background of his family, he does not seem to be the craziest. Leatherface skillfully wields a chainsaw and other handy items, and it is very difficult to hide from this guy.
Friday the 13th
Another series of films originated in 1980 year and became very popular among fans of the genre. Critics have always taken the franchise cool, but fans insisted on releasing more parts. Needless to say, the original film turned out to be the best, and everything else is the fruit of the imagination of the scriptwriters who are forced to continue the series.
The antagonist’s name is Jason, and he possesses immense physical strength and also wears the famous hockey mask. As a teenager, he drowned in a lake, and is now waiting for his birthday to start taking revenge on all of humanity.
Kids games
IN 1988 year the whole world learned about the bloodthirsty doll Chucky, into which the spirit of a serial maniac has infiltrated through a mystical ritual. This story blew up the public, and made the audience with bated breath to follow the development of events. Numerous sequels did not generate such interest, and even the restart did not save the franchise from fading away.
It is curious that initially a series of films appeared before us in the genre of mystical horrors. Gradually, the franchise evolved and over time turned into a satirical slasher with obscene jokes. It is difficult to say how appropriate these changes were.
It’s no exaggeration to say that “Halloween” – slasher sample. Many films tried to repeat the success of this picture, but not everyone was lucky. Cult director, John Carpenter just started his career, and created a truly outstanding tape. Alas, the sequels disappointed the audience.
In autumn 2021 year 12 film franchise is expected to be released Halloween Kills and I want to believe that the creators of the picture will not lose face. The plot is simple to the limit – a patient of a psychiatric clinic, Michael Myers, goes hunting. The director managed to assemble the cast of the original film, so fans of the franchise are already rubbing their hands.
For 1960 history Norman Bates was truly shocking, so after the premiere, heated debates and discussions erupted around the film. However, the audience made their choice – they went to the cinema and provided the box office for the film, calming the ardor of the specialists. Today “Psycho” is considered the standard of the genre, but the sequels of the tape turned out to be not so successful and passed by most horror fans.
Norman Bates suffers from multiple personality disorder and keeps his mother’s mummy in his mansion. When a guy sees a pretty girl and wants to start a relationship with her, his alter ego takes over and the young man replenishes the list of his victims.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The first film in the franchise came out in 1984 year and immediately received recognition from the public. The main antagonist is Freddy Krueger and is known to every horror lover today. Surprisingly, almost all parts of the tape were received favorably by the audience, only restart 2010 year turned out to be a disappointment. A total of 9 films were released, and the charming villain in a striped sweater during this time did not bother the public.
Fighting Kruger is very difficult because he is a nightmare. The difficulty lies in the fact that the victims killed by him in a dream no longer wake up. No matter how hard we try to stay awake, Freddie will wait in the wings.
Another franchise that has set the bar too high for all the other slashers. The first films gained insane popularity, but the following parts invariably maintained a decent level. Only after the creation of a couple of recent paintings released relatively recently, it became clear that the franchise was blown away. Maybe someday “Saw” will turn out to be a fertile main one for an enchanting restart, but it’s too early to talk about it.
The main villain John Kramer – a person with his own philosophy. Its essence lies in the fact that we begin to truly value life only when we are on the verge of death. John designs cunning traps for his victims, but almost always leaves them a chance to survive.
It’s no secret that “Scream” Is a pretty brutal franchise, even by slasher standards. However, the creators also did not deprive the picture of humor, and such a combination bore fruit – the first film 1996 year the audience liked it. The sequels dropped the set bar, but managed not to slide into the underground and constantly remained in the field of view of the audience. On the 2022 year the release of the next part of the franchise is planned, where several actors from the original tape will return at once.
Scream is a killer in a ghost costume with no specific identity. Indeed, anyone can wear a mask and a black hoodie – you don’t need to be a charismatic maniac for this. It is not surprising that after the premiere, the main antagonist had imitators in real life.
Street of fear
Fresh trilogy, released only in 2021 on streaming service Netflix, is still being digested by the main part of the audience, but some conclusions can already be drawn. All films are closely related and explain each other, having a pretty strong plot for a slasher. It is almost useless to frighten an experienced viewer with old tricks, so the creators seasoned their creation with mysticism.
The trilogy does not jump over its head, but has the prospect of becoming a full-fledged franchise in the future, if viewers show due interest in it. The main maniac is absent in the series of films – the action takes place in different years and even eras, by the way, the canons of the slasher are fully observed.
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