TOP 10 best ways to spend gold

Have you ever wondered what you can spend your hard earned (or stolen) fortune on in a world of harsh Nords? It’s time to choose the best products and increase your wealth.

Skyrim: 10 best ways to spend gold

None of the players in Skyrim could resist the temptation check every chest, open every urn and loot every enemy. But what’s the best way to spend all this precious gold? The game offers a variety of gunsmiths, alchemy and general stores, as well as taverns and inns scattered across Skyrim where players can spend their savings.

Of all the stores, as well as the investment a character can make in Skyrim, there are some of the most beneficial… However, all this will hit the wallet, so it makes sense to first pump the theft skill and collect a decent fortune.

Buy cheap potions

Skyrim potions

The first thing any character should do at the start of the game is stock up on potions of health, magic and stamina. While players will be able to find a variety of elixirs by completing quests and traveling through dungeons, it is always wise to have an extra supply with you. And if a strong enemy attacks, for example a dragon or a giant, it will be very useful to have several health potions ready. At low levels of the character, it is relevant buy elixirs in stock, however, over time, the player will be able to make his own compositions, much more powerful than the store ones.

Increasing the skill “blacksmithing”

Skyrim: 10 best ways to spend gold

Players who have accumulated gold can spend their savings to buy good weapons and equipment to quickly enhance the character. But a better investment would be purchase of materials necessary for the development of blacksmithing… Purchasing iron ingots, leather, and leather strips to craft weapons and armor is a reliable and cost-effective way to level up quickly. Thanks to the pumped up blacksmithing, players will be able to better equip themselves in order to increase their defense and do good damage to enemies.

Buying enchanted items

Buying enchanted items

Buying enchanted items Is another way to use your gold profitably. When disassembling equipment using the pentagram of souls, the player will be able to learn enchantments that can be applied when creating new items. This skill is not recommended to be neglected. Well enchanted equipment will make the world much safer for the character.

At the beginning of the game, there is still no access to soul stones to replenish the weapon charge, so the best solution would be to buy a new item.

Increasing skills for gold

Increasing skills for gold

In the world of Skyrim, the player will meet many teachers who can improve their skills. Most of these NPCs are found in guilds and shops. At the current level, the character will be able to increase (of course, in exchange for gold) any skill up to five times, which significantly speeds up the transition to the next level. This practice is also very convenient for unlocking useful perks, such as “muffled stepand “in the stealth development tree. It allows you to avoid detection when running and walking.

Buy ingredients

Buy ingredients

Making potions is one of the most expensive skills in the game. Of course, if you do not collect the ingredients yourself, which at the beginning of the game is dangerous for a low-level character. It will be quite difficult for a beginner to benefit from alchemy, but the benefits of this skill are difficult to overestimate. Powerful potions of health or magic regeneration will help keep your character alive in a dangerous situation. In order to create them, you will have to buy recipes and ingredients in all available alchemical shops. However, this is more than worth the effort. Good potions will not only come in handy in battle, but making them will quickly raise the level.

Buy soul stones

Buy soul stones

When a player enters the College of Mages of Winterhold, a secluded spot in the northeastern part of the map, he gets the opportunity buy soul stones, albeit at a high price. The black ones are the best, but Great Soul Gems also work well for enchanting items and reloading weapons. Buying already filled stones will eliminate the need for the player look for a strong opponent to capture a good soul.

Buying spell tomes

Buying spell tomes

Every Jarl in Skyrim has court mages who sell various ingredients, potions, and most importantly, tomes of spells. For a character playing a warrior or rogue, these spells are likely to be sufficient. But the curious wizard should definitely visit College of Mages of Winterhold… There the player will be able to buy some of the most powerful Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Conjuration and Alteration spells available in the game. However, to acquire the strongest spell you will need to complete a number of quests and the corresponding skill level.

Buy your own home

own house

Buying your own home may seem like an unnecessary waste for many newcomers to Skyrim, but for an experienced player availability of space to store your treasures – the need for a game full of dangers. The character can buy houses and furnish them to his liking in each major city. And with the Hearthfire add-on, it becomes possible buy a piece of land and build your own house on it. This acquisition has several advantages. In the country house, the character gets a farm with plants to collect ingredients, a forge in the backyard, and a stable with an unlimited number of horses for sale.

Buy home decorations

home decoration

After a character has bought or built his own house, he has the opportunity to decorate it with many useful and decorative items… In addition to such important purchases as the enchanting table or the alchemy laboratory, the player will enjoy the opportunity to furnish your home with beautiful interior items… Wall sconces, decorative tables, fruit vases, a couple of flower beds – all this will add a pleasant atmosphere of an inhabited home that all gamers need to create their cozy refuge in the chaotic world of Skyrim.

Become a real dragon

Become a real dragon

At some point, the player reaches a point where money doesn’t matter anymore… If every house in the game is fully furnished and belongs to a Dragonborn who has reached the maximum level, there are equipped magic tables and alchemy laboratories in the houses, and every chest is filled to the brim with skins, dragon bones and flawless diamonds. it’s time to stop. The treasure is something to be respected, so the player must collect all their gold, all gems and soul stones, weapons and armor. AND just scatter them in an empty room. Create your own treasury, which the king would not be ashamed of, touch your limitless wealth and cry out like a real dragon.

Skyrim is an endless game in which you can recruit a wonderful companion every time, go through mysterious locations or look for the best shouts. You just need to arm yourself with a unique sword or a wonderful magic staff and hit the road towards incredibly powerful bosses.

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