Top 10 films that predicted the future

The world is always in motion. Even if it seemed to you that progress has stopped – it’s just an illusion, just look from the outside how people’s lives have changed over the past hundred years. Today we will talk about 10 best films that predicted the future with a high degree of accuracy.Top 10 films that predicted the future

As long as humanity exists, so many people dream, and also talk about future prospects. Things that previously seemed inconceivable are now commonplace, and tomorrow is preparing us for new shocks. Do not be surprised that screenwriters and directors sometimes get to the point with their predictions, and although the coincidences are far from always perfectly accurate, their presence in itself is amazing.

Cable Guy

Cable Guy

Director: Ben Stiller

Genre: Comedy

Year of issue: 1996

Many of us remember this curious comedy with Jim Carrey in the title role, and while it may seem like a bit of fun, there is also a philosophical overtones in the film. That only is the reasoning of the cableman about modern technologies that capture the world and the minds of ordinary people.

The character Jim Carrey predicts that the functionality and value of electronic gadgets will soon increase… You can shop from the comfort of your own home and even play “Mortal Kombat” online with a friend in another country. These words have become prophetic, and the reality is even more impressive than the cable guy imagined.



Director: Steven Soderbergh

Genre: Thriller

Year of issue: 2011

For the sophisticated viewer, it will not be news that the picture “Infection” owes its relatively high rating to the current pandemic. During the quarantine period, many of us had nothing to do, so the walk-through film experienced a surge in popularity. Critics noted after the release that the events of the feed look really believable and when the world was faced with a dangerous disease, many considered the picture to be prophetic.

The filmmakers managed to guess the region of infection – China, the method of spreading the disease is by airborne droplets, the cause of its occurrence is bats, the approximate mortality rate and even the reaction of the population. Picture “Infection” very accurately predicted a possible pandemic and really managed to surprise the viewer.

Beyond suspicion

Beyond suspicion

Director: Steven Schacter

Genre: Thriller

Year of issue: 1995

While we are talking about global events, there are films that predicted the future of specific actors with frightening accuracy. Tape “Out of suspicion” – one of them, she became fateful for the leading actor, Christopher Reeve… According to the plot, his character, a policeman, is seriously injured and is now forced to constantly be in a wheelchair.

Christopher carefully prepared for the role and spent a lot of time in the gurney, trying to understand the feelings of his character. The shooting went well, but just a week after the film’s release, Reeve, being a seasoned rider, fell from a horse and was paralyzed below the shoulders… Thanks to the efforts of doctors, the actor lived for another 9 years, but full recovery was out of the question – Christopher was chained to a wheelchair.

I’m legend

I'm legend.  Batman v superman

Director: Francis Lawrence

Genre fiction

Year of issue: 2007

Fortunately, not all events predicted in the films have a tragic connotation. Painting “I’m legend” managed to anticipate the release of the tape Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 year release. Needless to say, such a project was not even in development at the time of the release of the blockbuster with Will Smith starring.

How was the prediction made? An attentive viewer, when viewing the painting “I Am Legend”, may notice an interesting billboard on one of the frames. On him combined logos of Batman and Supermanas if a film with them already exists. Amazingly, for the superhero tape, the method of overlaying their brand names was also used – an almost identical result was obtained.

Special opinion

Special opinion

Director: Steven Spielberg

Genre: Action

Year of issue: 2002

The action of the picture unfolds in 2054 year, which is still very far from us. However, the predictions have already begun to come true – if gesture interfaces for the average man in the street is still a curiosity, then with personalized advertising we encounter every day when using the internet.

The tape also contains image recognition technology, which appeared much later and it is not known what other prophecies of the film “Special opinion” will come true in the near future. If you think a little, you will notice that today human freedoms are more and more oppressed, the reason for which is the development of technology – the same is the situation in the picture Steven Spielberg


Terminator 1984

Director: James Cameron

Genre: Action

Year of issue: 1984

In the picture “Terminator” I would like to pay special attention to unmanned vehicles Skynet, who develop tremendous speed and generously pour fire on the heroes of the ribbon. The idea with drones is not new – such a technique had existed for a long time at the time of the release of the film. However, the functionality of such devices was quite severely limited – the equipment was used more for reconnaissance purposes.

Today drones – a full-fledged combat unit, which is capable of eliminating almost any target, so we can safely say that the prediction came true.

Back to the future 2

Back to the future 2

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Genre fiction

Year of issue: 1989

Picture Robert Zemeckis, “Back to the Future 2” gave us a lot of interesting predictions. And although the time machine has not yet been invented, some technological gadgets have appeared. First of all, we are talking about hoveboards, boards without wheels moving through the air. A similar technique is indeed invented, but so far it has not entered the everyday life of an ordinary person.

Also in the tape it was possible to do video call with the help of special glasses. Considering that at the time of the release of the film, only the most primitive models of mobile phones existed – such a prediction was really bold.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Director: Michel Gondry

Genre: romance

Year of issue: 2004

It is necessary to remind the viewer that the picture “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” tells us about the opportunity to erase your memories. Saying goodbye to old relationships and trauma is much easier if you make your brain forget some moments. Today the technologies shown in the film have not yet been invented, but certain developments already exist.

For example, some heart medications can dull painful memories and make the average person happier. In addition, a few years ago, scientists said that the emergence of effective means for clearing memory is only a matter of time, since at the current level of technological development of mankind, such a possibility already exists.

The Truman Show

The Truman Show

Director: Peter Weir

Genre: Drama, Comedy

Year of issue: 1998

Film The Truman Show came out at a very good time – reality shows already existed and were rapidly gaining popularity, but they still remained within certain boundaries and were distributed only in the west. The picture showed how the situation can change in the very near future and it turned out to be right.

Today there are many reality TV shows for all tastes and many of them are relatively harmless. However, almost every such program carries a negative attitude – it is interesting for people to watch how the participants swear, fight and commit eccentric acts. At times the viewer cannot tear himself away from the screen, becoming even crazier than the characters of the next provocative show.

star way

star way

Creator: Gene Roddenberry

Genre fiction

Year of issue: 1966

During its existence, the franchise “Star way” made many accurate predictions, mainly related to technical progress. In different years, new items were shown, which gradually passed into the everyday life of the ordinary man in the street.

The creator of the mobile phone even stated that he was inspired Captain Kirk’s communicatorinventing a gadget. Carefully studying the episodes of the series, you can see withmarch watches, headsets and tablet computers – unthinkable things for their time.

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