Tested all Christmas boxes with premium tech and 3D styles. Is there a twist in the dropout of rewards? We show you which boxes are better to buy in 2022 if you want to get the desired tank. Of course, luck also plays a role, but for several years now players have noticed a certain tendency that certain rewards more often drop out of some loot boxes.
Greetings tankers! With you Wotpack and on the agenda is the beginning of the New Year’s Offensive 2022 in tanks and, of course, the launch Big boxes in World of Tanks… We have already made a test purchase of all loot boxes, you can watch the results in the video below. We checked it on two accounts:
- Purchase 45 boxes (because for many, this offer is more economical because of the 27% discount than buying boxes one by one).
- Purchased separately 20 boxes of each typeto make a comparison.
We also recall the probability of dropping out rewards:
- Premium level 8 vehicles – 2.4%.
- Premium vehicles of 2-5 levels – 11.66%.
- Loss of 3D style – 5%.
Also, in each box, you are guaranteed to receive:
Opening 45 Oriental Boxes
Statistics are also attached at the end of the video.
In this case, the amount spent fully paid for itself with the received gold and premium account + bonus premium equipment.
Open 80 Large boxes of all kinds
For the sake of interest, we tried “dancing with a tambourine”, opening randomly boxes of 1 or 5 pieces.
Here, too, the invested funds were paid off only in gold (due to compensation for low-level premiums) + a bonus premium account, premium tanks and many other goodies.
Statistics for dropping out rewards in New Year’s boxes 2022 in WoT
Box opening results:
Write in the comments what boxes you bought and what fell out.