Who called from 78005338371 (88005338371) and why?

The phone number 78005338371 and 88005338371 may ring repeatedly even if the call was not answered. If you accept the call, you will hear the robot, but a free operator may also be connected. It’s hard to say right off the bat whether this is a cold call to customers or scammers. Now everyone who says that they are from the bank causes increased distrust. Now let’s figure out who owns the phone number and what they wanted from you.

Who called and why?

Calls from phone numbers 78005338371 and 88005338371 come from a special branch of Tinkoff Bank. It is promoting the new service “Card Protection”. It is designed to ensure that no one else can withdraw funds from your card. True, scammers can also apply under similar pretexts. For this reason, we decided to make sure that the indicated numbers really belong to Tinkoff. Technical support confirmed that these are indeed bank employees.

What is “Card Protection”?

We are talking about a service worth 99 rubles. It includes:

  • Analysis of spending and operations. Blocks atypical transactions that are in a larger risk area or do not usually occur on the card.
  • Additional confirmation of transactions on the Internet via SMS.
  • Money insurance. The bank guarantees the reimbursement of funds on all accounts in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles, subject to the activation of the service.

instead of a summary. Who called and who owns the numbers 78005338371 and 88005338371? Tinkoff. Why did they call? They offered the “Card Protection” service – this is insurance of funds on the card up to 100,000 rubles.

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