Most likely a question whose number 84953635545 appeared after a missed or received call. The behavior of people on the other side of the phone is very alarming, because of which there is a desire to find out the identity or organization of the caller. If you pick up the phone when calling from 84953635545, then silence may follow in response, and even more often they simply drop it. When you try to call back to this number, the operator reports that it does not exist or the owner of the number simply resets it. What is this mysterious body 84953635545? And why are they behaving so strangely?
84953635545 whose phone number
Still, whose phone number is 84953635545? It belongs to a private Moscow clinic. The call from this number comes mainly with the aim of offering examination services. Since the clinic deals with the treatment of the spine, it offers the service of its own profile. Operators are trying to impose services that most people don’t need.
The robot automatically calls the numbers filled into it. On the other side sits a person who, after the start of communication, listens to the intonation of the interlocutor. If he is “met” by the voice of a naive pensioner, the caller immediately introduces himself and offers a free examination. In many cases, after receiving a call, the phone number 84953635545 is disconnected. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the person does not match the “potential customers” by voice.
Anyone who calls from 84953635545 buys databases from special semi-legal organizations or private individuals.
People get numbers in a variety of ways: they collect information through “connections” from operators, browse message boards, profiles of social pages. Each contact is awarded several criteria: gender, age and some additional features.
The clinic orders a database from this organization according to a certain filter, for example, middle-aged and older people. It has been noticed that calls are being made to Moscow numbers. Then they are transferred to the call center, where they are processed by robots and operators.
What if they call?
The answer is simple – do nothing. If this is not a single call, but comes constantly, it is better to add it to the “black list”. It is definitely not worth picking up the phone, agreeing to any offers and calling back to this number. Regardless of who called from 84953635545, it is best to ignore it or block it.
84953635545 this number calls me, pick up the phone, it rejects (Automatic)
The clinic practices automatic dialing of numbers, thus they replenish the directory and identify living people and “dead” subscribers. Suitable numbers are then entered into the company’s own directory. For what purpose live numbers are determined is unknown, but it is definitely not for the benefit of a person. Most likely, in the near future, you can expect repeated calls, and it is possible that not only from the clinic.
Dumb call
Picked up the phone, and in response there was silence? Most often, this is how the robot behaves. Although it is possible that this is also the person who selects the client base. It is impossible to determine in absentia whether it is just a “cold” call or the robot is calling the base poured into it.
They ring and hang up. Why don’t you call back?
Thus, various scammers often ask for a call back. They wait for an answer, discard and wait for a call back. If you receive a call from any unknown number, they are silent or dropped, then you should not call back. Perhaps this is a paid number, where money is withdrawn for every minute. When someone needs something, he will find an opportunity to call.
Spine examination is offered (Ghost call)
The principle is approximately the following:
- A person picks up the phone and hears a pleasant voice on the other side, offering to take advantage of the promotional offer.
- The operator asks to leave contact details and offers to make an appointment for a specific day of the week for a spinal examination. Allegedly, right now you can go through the study absolutely free.
At first glance, this is a very advantageous offer that does not bear any damage, but this is not the case.
These “medical services” are just a cynical scam for a lot of money (Telemarketer)
What is the essence of divorce? It’s very simple, really the examination costs nothing. But as a result, doctors manage to find a deviation that, to a greater or lesser extent, every person has. Further, the clinic offers to use their paid services and undergo treatment. The company covers the costs of the examination through the subsequent expensive treatment.
Other types of fraud (Telemarketer)
As it turns out, the company is engaged not only in the back, but also in other areas of medicine. Among the range of their activities there is also the medical field, and sometimes the operator offers to purchase household chemicals. Any services in the medical industry follow the scenario described above. The examination reveals abnormalities that are immediately offered to be cured.
Similar phone numbers
Among similar numbers:
- 84953635545;
- 84953635395;
- 84953635505;
- 84953635514;
- 84953635522;
- 84953635525;
- 84953635544;
- 84953635587;
- 84953635612;
- 84953635656;
- 84953635996;
- 84953636061;
- 84953636157.
How to block this number?
All smartphones and even push-button phones have a blacklist function. The way of using the function is slightly different in each version of Android, but the essence remains the same.
Approximate instructions for blocking a number:
- Open the dialer application through which calls are made.
- Click on the arrow next to the phone number.
- Next, go to the ellipsis in the upper right corner and select “Block”.
The conclusion is simple, calls from 84953635545 are pure scams that should be avoided. If a call comes in, it is better to ignore it, and if you call it again, block the number forever. This will help save money, nerves, and maybe health.