Error CE-30774-1 on PS4 can occur when a user attempts to update the system software (in other words, firmware) using a USB storage that contains the required update file. Most often, the cause of the error lies in the incorrect actions of the user when formatting a USB flash drive or installing an update file on it. Also, users who try to replace the hard drive on their console are encountered with the CE-30774-1 error.
How to fix error CE-30774-1 on PS4
Getting rid of the CE-30774-1 error appearing on the PS4 console is easy enough in most cases. Let’s divide this article into two parts: the first part will be dedicated to users who encountered an error during the standard PS4 update, and the second – for users who are replacing their HDD and trying to update the console to a new version.
Error CE-30774-1 when updating via USB without replacing the HDD
So, you are a regular user trying to update the firmware for your PS4. It would seem that the task is nowhere easier, but you still encountered problems in its implementation. What could have gone wrong? Well, actually, a lot of things. Let’s take a look at some tips to resolve the CE-30774-1 error on PS4:
- Make sure you format your USB storage in the format exFAT or FAT32… This is a very important step, because without it, your PS4 simply won’t be able to read the USB flash drive, and therefore, updating the console will not be possible.
- Make sure you have installed the update file correctly on the USB storage. After formatting the flash drive, you need to create folders on it PS4 → UPDATEand then put the file in the last folder PS4UPDATE.PUP… You cannot make any modifications to the file location, or the update will not be possible. It is also worth noticing that the file PS4UPDATE.PUP you cannot rename in any way, as this will also disrupt the update process.
- Please be aware that PS4 does not support oversized USB storage. Some users claim that they have failed to update PS4 with 16 or 32 GB USB sticks. Try to use a small amount of storage.
- Make sure to download the correct PS4UPDATE.PUP file that you need. Users trying to simply update to a new version of the software should use the file that can be downloaded using the “Download update” button at the very top of this page… Users replacing their HDD should use another file containing the full version of the update, but we will talk about this in the second part of the article.
If you follow the above tips, then no problem in the form of error CE-30774-1 on PS4 should arise. Usually, this error occurs due to a little discretion from users. However, if there is a problem even after following the recommendation, we recommend that you perform a complete reinstallation of the system software of the PS4 console (Initialization variation). Unfortunately, all your personal data will be deleted in this case. We will consider this process in the second part of the article.
Error CE-30774-1 when updating via USB after replacing the HDD
Let’s now take a look at the CE-30774-1 error that occurs for users who have replaced their hard drive. They try to update their console to the latest version using USB storage, but they get a negotiated error along the way. Firstly, if you are just such a PS4 owner, then we recommend that you make sure that you have followed all the recommendations regarding the USB storage file system format, its volume and the folders created on it.
Now let’s get to the main point: the main reason behind the CE-30774-1 error on PS4 for users who have replaced the HDD is that they are using the wrong update file. Probably, you did not use the complete update file, but a truncated one intended for updating the software of the previous version.
Walk on this link to the PS4 firmware download page. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and find the section titled “New Installation of System Software”. Click on the “[ЗАГРУЗИТЬ СЕЙЧАС]”And download the update file, which will be about 1 gigabyte in size. Now do the proper preparation of the USB storage and let’s get down to installing the new software for your PS4.
Initialization (Reinstalling System Software)
- Insert the prepared USB flash drive into your PS4.
- Put your PS4 in Safe Mode and use the wired controller to navigate its menus.
- Select “[Инициализировать систему PS4 (Переустановить системное программное обеспечение)]”.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to reinstall the system software.
Once you’re done, your console will be ready to go with no trace of error CE-30774-1.